At 08:27am report of shots fired on Dresden drive.
08:29am update suspected armed robbery. Black male, wearing motorcycle helmet.
08:30am BOLO Red motorcycle partial VA tag 118. .45 shells found on roadway. Victim was robbed of 20.00 and was shot at, no injuries.
08:31am Newport News PD spot red motocycle with matching tag in area. Attempt to intiate a traffic stop, Motorcycle attempts to elude.
08:32am Pursuit heading North on Jefferson Ave. towards J. Clyde speeds 80+ moderate traffic.
08:33am Pursuit still heading North on Jefferson Ave. approaching Themble Shoals speed 100+.
08:33am Motorcycle has wrecked, struck a "big truck". Suspect is suspected DOA. Loaded Smith and Wesson .45 on his person.
08:35am Resume Normal traffic on Channel. EMS confirms suspect DOA.
08:29am update suspected armed robbery. Black male, wearing motorcycle helmet.
08:30am BOLO Red motorcycle partial VA tag 118. .45 shells found on roadway. Victim was robbed of 20.00 and was shot at, no injuries.
08:31am Newport News PD spot red motocycle with matching tag in area. Attempt to intiate a traffic stop, Motorcycle attempts to elude.
08:32am Pursuit heading North on Jefferson Ave. towards J. Clyde speeds 80+ moderate traffic.
08:33am Pursuit still heading North on Jefferson Ave. approaching Themble Shoals speed 100+.
08:33am Motorcycle has wrecked, struck a "big truck". Suspect is suspected DOA. Loaded Smith and Wesson .45 on his person.
08:35am Resume Normal traffic on Channel. EMS confirms suspect DOA.