My teenage son is taking flying lessons, wants to go the Air Force, etc. -- all things aviation. Am thinking about getting him a scanner for x-mas so that he can listen in and learn what is going on in the sky. Will also help him in his own communications with ATC.
I want to get a scanner that is easy to use, does not take a lot of programming experience, gets both civil and mil comms, if possible. Also, we travel quite a bit and it would be nice to be able to listen in as we pass air force bases, airports, etc.
Have done quite a bit of internet research and the psr-800 seems to fit the bill, but it is quite expensive. Not sure though if there is any scanner out there that is much cheaper and that provides similar flexibility.
We are new into scanning and thus do not know what we do not know . . . I do know that I probably need to get a better antenna than the stock version.
Any thoughts? Recommendations? Much appreciated.
I want to get a scanner that is easy to use, does not take a lot of programming experience, gets both civil and mil comms, if possible. Also, we travel quite a bit and it would be nice to be able to listen in as we pass air force bases, airports, etc.
Have done quite a bit of internet research and the psr-800 seems to fit the bill, but it is quite expensive. Not sure though if there is any scanner out there that is much cheaper and that provides similar flexibility.
We are new into scanning and thus do not know what we do not know . . . I do know that I probably need to get a better antenna than the stock version.
Any thoughts? Recommendations? Much appreciated.