If all you want to do is monitor aviation then you can't beat the JD-100 or SP-125 radios offered by Sporty's Pilot Shop (
www.sportys.com). The JD-100 is a civil/military airband scanner only. I own one and it's a great performing radio.
The SP-125 is an AM/FM/Civil airband radio. Looks to be a pretty good unit but only scans 5 air channels.
They also show a tabletop radio that is an AM/FM/Civil airband radio. Looks like it would be an ideal nightstand or end-table radio.
Then again.....it's easy to argue for buying a multi-band scanner! Since we're all radio nuts here most of us like to have as many radios as possible in our shacks! (For proof check out the pic of my shack on the pic thread-and my JD-100 isn't even in the pic)
It's a tough call....isn't it....:wink: