Simple VHF Low band antenna for skip openings

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Active Member
May 28, 2009
Want to put an spare conventional scanner to an interesting use, other than listening to locals?

VHF-Low band skip can be very interesting and when it opens, it is amazing. Thing is, unless the band opening is *extremely* good, you aren't likely to hear it on a rubber-duck - or at least very well or very long.

Believe it or not, make a quarter-wave vertical for 42 mhz and go to town.

Yikes - that's about 5.5 feet for the whip. (234/42=5.57 feet) What if you don't have 5.5 feet of overhead space? Run it as high as you can and bend the rest (no more than 90 degrees)

The "bent" vertical whip can now be considered an Inverted-L. Where you bend it is not exactly critical since the polarization can be a mixed-bag with skip.

Normally you don't want to do this for line-of-sight comms. However, with skip, the actual polarity can vary quite a bit from being vertical. In fact, you could just run this whip at an angle, or in some cases even just horizontally. I prefer the Inverted-L.

Operations: set up a search range from 30-54 mhz. Then lock out (or just ignore) the locals. If 6-meter amateur comms don't interest you, perhaps 30-49 mhz or so will do. Do not judge how the antenna performs based on reception of locals! You can go for weeks or in some cases months without hearing anything. But when you do, lookout! Some might even want to trigger a tape recorder, or other recording device. (Tape recorder - what's that?) :)

I never had the height to go hard core for low-band skip with a 11-foot vertical dipole or sloper. When I had the room, I did build a 2-wave bi-square and had a lot of fun with that - maybe later I'll get back into that.

So string up 5.5 feet of wire any way you can, lock out the locals, and go to town. It really is that easy. Purists will want to add a large groundplane or actually do a ground-mount.

Being in the clear is obviously a good idea, but since we're not talking about horizon-to-horizon comms, but venturing into HF territory with low-band skip, we can "bend" the typical rules a little bit. :)
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Active Member
May 28, 2009
Taking it to the next level with a full-wave inverted L

I have a bit more room than just a simple quarter wave at 5.5 feet so I decided to put up 22 -1/4 feet for a full-wave on 42 mhz!

(936 / 42 = 22.28 feet total)

How do you manage 22-1/4 feet? The inverted-L to the rescue!

I just scaled the dimensions from the 118-136 mhz version I run and bent it. Run as much as you can vertically, and bend over the rest, or just slope it, whatever.

1) Cut 22.25 feet of wire overall.

2) At 5.5 feet from one end, cut the wire into two elements so you now have a 1/4 wave for the short side, and a 3/4 wave for the rest. (234 / 42 = 5.57 feet)

3) Option: Either attach 75 or 50 ohm cable here, long element attached to center conductor of coax. OR, if you don't want to cut any coax open, attach a 300-75 ohm tv-type balun to the leads, and run 50 ohm coax.

4) Ideally run the feedline away from it horizontally for about 5 to 6 feet.

Notes for sticklers: :)
The fullwave antenna fed at the quarter-wave point presents somewhere around 85-100 ohms impedance. So direct connect to 75 ohm coax is a very close match. If you use a 4:1 balun, like the tv-type 300-75 ohm transformer, then you'll end up pretty low somewhere near 20 ohms. Thus 50 ohms coax is a closer match when using the balun. Then again, even though our radios are usually spec'ed at 50-ohm input impedance, in the real world our "50 ohm" connectors on the back of the radios may actually be higher or lower.

In other words, for a rx only setup, use what you have!

I definitely don't have room to make the entire antenna vertical, and since I'm looking for skip, and not trying to be in perfect polarity with locals, this works out fine. You might even be able to manage this indoors or in the attic with lightweight wire.

You've got lobes all over the place, especially since the outer shield of the feedline is part of the antenna. You could try to choke it if you want.

Off we go into the wild blue yonder of low-band skip!
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
You can occasionally find military surplus broad band antennas for the 30 to 76MHz or 30 to 90MHz range and these work real nice for VHF lo skip, local ground wave, 6m ham, etc. I have a spare 7ft broad band Israeli military version that can easily be made into a ground plane if someone is interested.


Database Admin
Feb 19, 2003
N.E. Kansas
I made a simple groundplane for 42 Mhz out of some jung and hung it from some nylon rope thrown over a branch at 30 feet. It's fed with regular 75 ohm TV coax and works better than anything I've ever used before. It doesn't need to be pretty or fancy. Even a simple dipole thrown out in a tree will work well.
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