I-25, MM 271, 277, 281, with a car on fire after hitting a tree, HWY 85 @ WCR 52, multi accident on bridge, HWY 34 (Big Thompson Cyn) @ MM79, car in river with dive team responding,
Castle Rock: I25 MM177 4 car accident minor to morderate damage to cars. Closing down fast lane. E151, Medic151,and Batt151 on scene. Ops 3. Also one driver left on foot.... And down south CSP taking care of a hit and run accident.
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Highway 66 is "impassable". CDOT notified, no ETA. 66 is closed at county road 17 and 19.
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WCSO is advising they are attempting to shut down highway 66 at highway 85 to I25.
Now, HWY 392 @ WCR 43, semi vs. semi with propane gas leaking. Multiple accidents all around Weld County this morning from HWY 257, east. Closing down HWY 392 due to icey conditions and numerous accidents. Eaton FD asking for M/A.