I know that there is a specific SDR Forum, but I posted this here to see who is using SDR in Minnesota and how well it performs decoding the Minnesota ARMER system. What SDR(s) are you using?
I just happened to see that there is a sale price on the Air Spy Mini for $80.00, which would seem to make it a reasonable enough price to use to just search around the bands with.
rtl-sdr.com - RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more.
I also see that HRO has several different SDR Play versions available for under $200.00.
Distributors – SDRplay
While the ARMER system certainly isn't the only thing that I plan to monitor with this, if one, or some, decode LSM/CQPSK better than others, I would be more inclined to get one that decodes it properly.
Also, things like decoding multiple digital formats is a plus for me. So, if it decodes MOTO TRBO/DMR. If it decodes MOTO TRBO/DMR, Icom D-Star, and Yaesu System Fusion, all the better.
I just happened to see that there is a sale price on the Air Spy Mini for $80.00, which would seem to make it a reasonable enough price to use to just search around the bands with.
rtl-sdr.com - RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more.
I also see that HRO has several different SDR Play versions available for under $200.00.
Distributors – SDRplay
While the ARMER system certainly isn't the only thing that I plan to monitor with this, if one, or some, decode LSM/CQPSK better than others, I would be more inclined to get one that decodes it properly.
Also, things like decoding multiple digital formats is a plus for me. So, if it decodes MOTO TRBO/DMR. If it decodes MOTO TRBO/DMR, Icom D-Star, and Yaesu System Fusion, all the better.