I've been looking for software that listens to APRS, filters messages either addressed to me and/or from specific addresses, and stores them for later review. In other words, I want to filter out most everything else. The preferred embodiment is a simple system using a HT or mobile, a low power Raspberry Pi (or similar) or maybe a repurposed old cell phone. It cannot depend on internet tools/servers. The intended use is when one needs/wants to get messages out to defined recipients but the recipient may not be tending the radio at the time. And I, as a recipient, don't want to wade through a long list of non-pertinent APRS messages or have the message scroll off the end of a short queue..
An example use case is scout camp with many different troops. The kitchen wants to send out the daily menu. The staff wants to send out daily forecasts. Etc.
At this point APRS is the focus due to HT's with APRS built in.
Maybe the software is right under my nose and I don't see it ... in which case I'll be sufficiently embarrassed.
An example use case is scout camp with many different troops. The kitchen wants to send out the daily menu. The staff wants to send out daily forecasts. Etc.
At this point APRS is the focus due to HT's with APRS built in.
Maybe the software is right under my nose and I don't see it ... in which case I'll be sufficiently embarrassed.
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