BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Sound Problem.


Jul 6, 2015
I Just got a new BCD996P2 and I may have a problem with the sound. Monitoring Pickens Country SC Public safety on Fleet talk trunked NXDN. The scanner works fine as far as tracking but has a muffled sound. There also seems to be a problem with the volume. On some TGs the dispatcher volume will be low while the mobile unit will be louder. I've been listening to the voice frequencies with a Whistler TRX 2 and on that scanner the volume is clear. If this is normal for this scanner on NXDN, I really need to know. Thank you.


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
The scanner works fine as far as tracking but has a muffled sound. There also seems to be a problem with the volume.
Is that issue only on that specific system, or you haven't yet had the time to try other systems?
Muffled sound doesn't sound like a normal sound quality from a 996P2's speaker. How does the weather channels sound like?

There's a lot of different places to enable AGC depending of what mode that are used, scanning, search, close call, in the trunked system itself for analog and another for digital TG's.

It will be active at all times between users on the same TG and between different TG's.
Unidens AGC operates in a more subtle way, almost not noticed if not checked by using a signal generator and adjust the modulation level of a tone and checking how much the sound level changes. It's usually noticed more easily when listening to weak analog signals with some background noise. When a user starts to speak the background noise goes down in level when the AGC are operating.

Whistler has got a lot more aggressive AGC that sometimes works well and at other times not se well. But then it can be disabled and instead use audio boost to raise the level a bit to match the AGC enabled channels.



Jul 6, 2015
The weather channel Sounds fine. Can't find an AGC setting. The hi and the low sound seems to be TG specific. On some TGs, both sides are even, on others, the dispatcher volume is lower than the unit they're talking to


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
Thank you for your help. The only place I see Set AGC is in a P25 System. The system I'm trying to hear is trunked NXDN.
It would be odd if Uniden left out the AGC setting from the NXDN system options, or its TG's.
I would think that the actual firmware code for AGC operation are common to all system types and there's only a flag set from each system to use it, no extra memory space needed.

But it's even more strange why SDS100/200 do not have any AGC settings at all for any system type.
