I have a BC75XLT hand held scanner did Sparta Franklin and Ogdensburg have New Ems Frequiences please e-mail me back at jonathangellatly2@aol.com also new police frequeciens mentioned for the towns above thanks
I realize you're new here, John, so I'm not going to jump down your throat for asking to be spoon fed. Scroll around here: https://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?ctid=1789 I'm pretty sure you'll find the answers to what you're looking for. The Database is your friend (just like Google is - right?).
I have those Frequiences from that site you gave me put those Frequiences did not work I think they changed the Ogdensburg Sparta Franklin ems and Police Frequiences can any one on here found out cause the ems Frequience is 453.0875 that does not work and the frequience 154.770 does not work