Specs for RS 16-2567 diplexer wanted

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Feb 1, 2006
First, thanks everyone for all the great diplexer messages. Great reading and I learned a lot. It's raining now, so I jumped into a quickie project...

I picked up the RS 16-2567 diplexer and wondered if anyone has swept this thing or knows more detailed specs than what is on the sticker (ie insertion loss, port isolation, etc). It is a 40-2150 mHz diplexer but I was wondering just what the freq band-edges were for each port as well.

I'm going to attach it to some homebrewed antennas, but when I got it home I searched my "duck drawer" and attached the RS 800 mhz duck to the SAT port, and my Larsen 2M duck to the ANT port and things are working great - well as far as ducks go. :) With this combo I now have a boost to vhf that the RS 800 mhz duck doesn't really cover. I surely wouldn't hang this monstrosity on the handheld bnc, but it could be done.

At any rate, I've got some homebrewed antennas to make but at least this proof of concept seems to be working. I'd just love to know the real specs on this inexpensive diplexer...


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi Prog and readers,

That diplexer you have in mind is completly unsuited, totally wrong for the application. I had to have one custom made to my specifications for it to work properly so go back to that thread and read the details. Your "proof concept" is totally wrong too, I can't think of a proper word to describe that duck abortion that is leading you astray.

Can the whole idea before you crash and burn beginning with going on line and looking up the specs on that diplexer to see where you have gone wrong. Then it's back to the drawing board after you read all the info myself and others have posted on the subject, good luck with the homebrew antennas and a proper configuration. It took a LOT of collective brain power to figure out where I went wrong and how I corrected it (my system is working perfectly and way beyond expectations) so please take advantage of it.


Feb 1, 2006
Well, that was an expensive lesson :)

Right, the typical diplexer used in this application has a port for 40-950, and the "sat" port is for >950 mhz. I couldn't get the actual specs for this particular unit, but some of the others in the family are very near these freqs.

Off to the junk drawer it goes!


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Mar 22, 2005
Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.
Hi again Prog,

The lesson wasn't expensive but VERY time consuming and brain intensive. The diplexer wasn't all that expensive either, $100 shipping included from Toronto to NJ. Just run a search and you'll come up with the threads and/or my posts and you'll come up with all the details including the specs and company I ordered it from. You'll be glad you did, I provided all the necissary information saving you countless hours scouring the Internet and coming up with innumerable dead ends.

Hey, if nothing else your Duckenstein antenna lashup was very creative even if it wasn't based in any sort of practicality. Experimenting is what this hobby is all about and often leads to discovery so go for it, only you should learn things like basic antenna theory so you can properly evaluate the results. It all comes down to scientific method so learn the science behind what you're doing.

I'm glad to see you following in my footsteps but remember all the books in the world won't keep you from falling off the roof unless you stack them up under you. (;->) I say that from experience, it's easier to fall out of a tree than it is to climb it but it hurts a whole lot more and I still have a knot on my head to prove it.

Oh, pry the back off that diplexer and look inside, it'll give you something to ponder. Then when you read up on resonant circuits and filters you'll understand what you're looking at.
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