Stark County Ohio


Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2010
Canton, Ohio
I heard this afternoon, TG 45182, conversation between two radios radio IDs 7601501 & 7601504. From locations and buildings discussed, sounded like possibly Wilmot. Not sure if FD or PD, but possible a channel 2 for whichever department.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I heard this afternoon, TG 45182, conversation between two radios radio IDs 7601501 & 7601504. From locations and buildings discussed, sounded like possibly Wilmot. Not sure if FD or PD, but possible a channel 2 for whichever department.

Those are definitely Wilmot Fire. I've seen 6 or 7 WIlmot Fire radio IDs on 45182 and about 6 Beach City Fire radio IDs on 45182. Most of the actual traffic has been Wilmot Fire. Not enough information to tell what it is though. I'm asking a friend to go through his audio exerpts and see what he thinks. Between 10:30 AM and 12:02 PM on 1/3/2019 there were conversations between 7680101 and 7601504 and I'm wanting to know who the 7680101 party is. Those two parties had a couple of exchanges on 45168 on 1/29 as well.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Anyone care to educate me regarding the dispatch centers who dispatch in Stark Co?

RED Center (
StarCom - Stark Co Sheriff's Office
Canton Communications Center - was in the Arthur J Cirelli Center but now is at City Hall
CenCom in Nimishillen Twp

On the radio, you often hear the references to "redcenter". And the RED center lists who they dispatch for on their website. Easy enough to identify.

Does StarCom and/or its dispatched agencies reference the dispatch center as StarCom on the radio? Or do they always just say "Dispatch"? Does anybody know exactly what agencies are dispatched by StarCom?

Does the Canton Communication Center have a moniker on the radio? Or do they go by / are they referenced as "Dispatch"? Does anybody know exactly what agencies are dispatched by the Canton Communications Center? I saw a video from a couple of days ago that says this dispatch center dispatches for Canton Police, Canton Fire, East Canton Police, Louisville Police and Greentown VFD.

And finally, who is dispatched by CenCom -- and do they go by CenCom on the radio?



Feed Provider
Jul 26, 2003
Canton, OH

Stark County has 7 dispatch centers. This is the most current list of “who dispatches whom”

1. Red Center - Located at the Jackson Twp Safety Center

Beach City FD, Beach City PD, Brewster FD, Brewster PD, Canal Fulton FD, Canal Fulton PD, East Wayne FD, Erie Valley FD, Hills & Dales PD, Jackson Twp FD, Jackson Twp PD, Lawrence Twp FD, Lawrence Twp PD, Lexington Twp FD, Massillon FD, Massillon PD, Navarre PD, Perry Twp PD, Waynesburg PD, Wilmot FD, Wilmot PD.

2. Central Communications (Cencom) – Located at Nimishillen Twp FD Station #3
Canton Twp FD, East Sparta FD, Hartville FD, Louisville FD, Marlboro Twp FD, Nimishillen Twp FD, North Lawrence FD, Osnaburg Twp FD, Perry Twp FD, Tri-Division Ambulance, Uniontown FD

3. Stark County Sheriff (Starcom)
Hartville PD, Magnolia FD, Magnolia PD, Marlboro Twp PD, Mohawk Valley FD, Plain Twp FD, Quad Ambulance, Stark County Dog Warden, Stark County Park Rangers, Stark County Sheriff, Uniontown PD

4. Canton City (Cancom)
Canton City FD, Canton City PD, East Canton PD, Greentown FD, Louisville PD

5. North Canton City (Norcom)
North Canton FD, North Canton PD
*FD Units refer to dispatch as “52”

6. Alliance City (Central Dispatch)
Alliance FD, Alliance PD

7. Minerva Police
Minerva PD, Sandy Creek FD
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Stark County has 7 dispatch centers. This is the most current list of “who dispatches whom”

1. Red Center - Located at the Jackson Twp Safety Center

Beach City FD, Beach City PD, Brewster FD, Brewster PD, Canal Fulton FD, Canal Fulton PD, East Wayne FD, Erie Valley FD, Hills & Dales PD, Jackson Twp FD, Jackson Twp PD, Lawrence Twp FD, Lawrence Twp PD, Lexington Twp FD, Massillon FD, Massillon PD, Navarre PD, Perry Twp PD, Waynesburg PD, Wilmot FD, Wilmot PD.

2. Central Communications (Cencom) – Located at Nimishillen Twp FD Station #3
Canton Twp FD, East Sparta FD, Hartville FD, Louisville FD, Magnolia FD, Marlboro Twp FD, Mohawk Valley FD, Nimishillen Twp FD, North Lawrence FD, Osnaburg Twp FD, Perry Twp FD, Quad Ambulance, Tri-Division Ambulance, Uniontown FD

3. Stark County Sheriff (Starcom)
Hartville PD, Magnolia PD, Marlboro Twp PD, Plain Twp FD, Stark County Dog Warden, Stark County Park Rangers, Stark County Sheriff, Uniontown PD

4. Canton City (Cancom)
Canton City FD, Canton City PD, East Canton PD, Greentown FD, Louisville PD

5. North Canton City (Norcom)
North Canton FD, North Canton PD
*FD Units refer to dispatch as “52”

6. Alliance City (Central Dispatch)
Alliance FD, Alliance PD

7. Minerva Police
Minerva PD, Sandy Creek FD

You're awesome, man! Thank you so much for taking the time to write that all up. I really appreciate it.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN

One update for you. Magnolia PD, Mohawk FD and Quad EMS are now being dispatched by StarCom as of 10:00 am Dec 27, 2018.

This information was obtained by the Quad Ambulance District Facebook page, and confirmed via the Mohawk Valley Joint Fire District page.

As of 10:00am Thursday December 27th, 2018 Quad Ambulance District, along with the Magnolia Fire Department and Mohawk Valley Fire District, switched dispatch centers. All three departments are now dispatched by the Stark County Sheriff's Office - StarCom.

What this means when you're having an emergency and one of these departments are your provider for fire, rescue, or EMS:

In Stark County - When using 911 your calls will no longer be transferred. The person answering the phone is likely the person that will dispatch the appropriate agencies.
In Carroll County - When using 911 your calls will still need to be transferred.
Alternatively, these departments share a ten-digit local emergency number - (330)866-2228 - that is forwarded and answered by the sheriff's office. This line may be answered - "Sheriff Maier's office" - Its ok, you have the right number, and again, the person answering this line is likely the person that will dispatch the appropriate agencies.
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact Quad Ambulance at our administrative offices (330)866-9847.
Be safe and thank you for your support.


Feed Provider
Jul 26, 2003
Canton, OH
As far as I know, none of the agencies dispatched by Cencom have moved to MARCS simulcast. This may be why these agencies have moved to Starcom. It would be a major blow to interoperability in Stark County if they all choose to remain on conventional repeaters. I have been told by a captain at Perry Twp FD that they have purchased MARCS radios and are just waiting on programming.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
As far as I know, none of the agencies dispatched by Cencom have moved to MARCS simulcast. This may be why these agencies have moved to Starcom. It would be a major blow to interoperability in Stark County if they all choose to remain on conventional repeaters.

Yes, that would seem counterproductive if they were to remain on conventional. Hopefully they are just "delayed". I suppose since they are currently dispatched on conventional repeaters, they do not have any sense of urgency to move, unlike the agencies that were on the Canton-Stark 800 system.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
45030 Brewster Police
Could be, but over the past few days more Brewster Fire radio Ids have been seen affiliating with it than Brewster Police

So I'm wondering if it is going to be a Brewster PD-FD interop channel or something.

RID=7601617 # BPD
RID=7601618 ""
RID=7601619 ""
RID=7601620 ""
RID=7601621 ""
RID=7601877 # not sure
RID=7601885 # BFD
RID=7601886 ""
RID=7601887 ""
RID=7601888 ""
RID=7601889 ""
RID=7601891 ""
RID=7601893 ""
RID=7601894 ""
RID=7601896 ""
RID=7601897 ""
RID=7601898 ""
RID=7601899 ""
RID=7601900 ""
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OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I added it to the database as Brewster Police 2. Thanks Vol. Always good to have more than one person listening to things to confirm.
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Feed Provider
Jul 26, 2003
Canton, OH
Just saw another Sheriff TG posted, 45206. All of the TG on this system were lining up right in row for each department. Sheriff has 45160 thru 45166. Wonder why they jumped all the way to 45206 for this one?


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Just saw another Sheriff TG posted, 45206. All of the TG on this system were lining up right in row for each department. Sheriff has 45160 thru 45166. Wonder why they jumped all the way to 45206 for this one?

Maybe because there was no Special Detail on the old system, where the other stuff that is inline on 45160-45166 existed in some form on the old system? Just a guess.


Jun 23, 2016
I noticed Louisville / East Canton police mainly using 45105 which is entered in RR as their Law Tac channel and is encryted. I have yet to hear anything on 45102 which is listed as their main dispatch without encrytion. Just wondering if their dispatch is 45105 and not 45102?


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
I noticed Louisville / East Canton police mainly using 45105 which is entered in RR as their Law Tac channel and is encryted. I have yet to hear anything on 45102 which is listed as their main dispatch without encrytion. Just wondering if their dispatch is 45105 and not 45102?

Early on in the discovery of 45102 they did use it without encryption. And it is still occasionally used, with Dispatch in the clear and the subscriber radios ENC. But they definitely switched the majority of their traffic to 45105. My guess is that 45105 is probably strapped for encryption, forcing everyone who joins it (and has the appropriate key) to automatically be ENC. I'll leave speculation as to why they would do that up to somebody else. I just care about the technicals, not the things said.