I thought I would share the "latest" published minutes from the July 2023 Statewide Interoperability Meeting. A few highlights that are interesting from that meeting:
I thought that we can start a thread to track any progress as we go into the New Year's!!
- Programming radios into RM: Team deployment will begin with DelDOT being the first agency. Code Plugs have been built for NCC Fire, NCCPD and DelDOT code plugs have been complete as of June 2023. Testing will be started August 2023. Next group for code plug development is Kent Co. Fire, Sussex Fire, DSP then all local PD through the state. Start date end of August 2023.
- After code plugs are ready in RM, DivComm can go to agencies to complete the transition to the new system. Tentative date to start is October 2023.
- Timeline to turn system over to State is Q3 2024.
I thought that we can start a thread to track any progress as we go into the New Year's!!