Statewide TRS Timeline
Develop the plan for a statewide VHF/700/800 hybrid shared trunking system. Involve a consultant to assist with planning and grant/funding sources. Begin upgrades that will support the future WPSCS build-out, including:
Project 25 repeaters that meet or can be upgraded to meet the Project 25 Inter-Subsystem Interface (ISSI) standards and can be upgraded to trunking operation.
Microwave interconnections between counties.
Secure engineering and project services of a major communications engineering company. The high cost of the engineering (approx. $5 million) would be heavily weighted to the startup of the project and then as the project progresses the cost savings would pay for the engineering in the later stages of the project.
Begin pilot implementation with strategic partners. Seek additional state funding in the 2009-2011 biennial budget.
Complete statewide backbone implementation.
Complete migration of agencies to system. This timeframe coincides with the FCC requirement for migration to narrowband operation.