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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
DECOY 52 WV Ang C-5A into Dover for some transition work
for an hour. Guess those guys are using their old callsign for
their C-5's now.


That reminds me you or does anybody here have a list of the C-5 serials now stationed at Martinsburg? For instance, DECOY 52 was 70-0452 and that's still showing for the 56th Airlift Squadron at Scramble. And the 56th shows most places for Altus AFB OK but I understand the 56th has now moved to Lackland AFB TX. There are so many of those C-5s that moved around that it's difficult to know where they are, e.g., Westover got rid of some C-5A models and shipped them to other bases and Dover got rid of some C-5s to make way for the C-17s arriving to re-equip one of their squadrons. My C-5 list is a mess.

Mateo said:
I don't know Marine stuff (or anything else, really) all that well, but the logo just aft of the door is for the 4th MAW, so make of that as you will. I can cough up a picture if you want, as well.

Thanks Matthew. That is MAW-4 as I understand it. VMR is like a squadron in the Air Force and MAW is the Wing level so both can be correct. I always try to break them down to the squadron level when possible for ID purposes.
I agree though...Navy/Marine aviation is largely a mystery to me.

Tony said:
166767 is indeed based at Andrews with the 4th MAW VMR Det. Andrews.
Thanks Tony.

Dave said:
Some info that might come in handy... Most of the last C-17s will go to Dover, including: 07-7169, 70, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78 & 79. The very last one (80) will go to McChord though.
That's good info to have. Thanks Dave.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
TinEar said:
That reminds me you or does anybody here have a list of the C-5 serials now stationed at Martinsburg?

The 167th Airlift Wing has 70-0452 & 70-0459.


Ref below: Alan, I thought they were to receive another in the March timeframe but I haven't heard anything to verify it's there. In post on 5/11 I heard traffic that suggested a C5 had some difficulty as the airport was closed for about 45 minutes as one was towed off of the runway but the tail number for that one was not given. If I have a chance tomorrow I'll check out the ramp to see what they actually have.

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
CitationJet said:
1551Z 349.400 McGuire AFB CP - LIFTR 31 (C-17A 437th AMW Charleston) - clg McGuire CP here no joy.

Tony, LIFTER 31 was a C-17A but was from the 62d AW at McChord AFB WA. (Serial 98-0054)

BATON 54 [female] (C-130J, 193d SOW, PA-ANG Harrisburg) to Giant Killer at 1921 to announce entering W-107 A-E on missions A-2302 and A-2402 from 2330-0130Z...will work altitudes 10,000-25,000 feet...255.0

DC 32 (KC-135R, 756th ARS AFRC Andrews) airborne from Andrews at 2308Z as reported to LIBERATOR. Will be at the IP for the AR event at 0130Z. Mentioned a DRAGON callsign in the west and ??? in the east...378.1

Had another foreign visitor last last night. At 2315, an A-340 of the Qatar government came into the area. Tail was A7-HHH.
Only one I noted today was that Egyptian Air Force EGY 1112, tail SU-BAS again around 0930 this morning.

Attention Dave: (That's dparana Dave - not to be confused with DPD1 Dave)
It's 1932 and there is going to be a RAVEN flight of A-10s departing Martin State shortly. They will be heading for the Duke MOA up your way. They'll be at flight level 12,000 after departure - at least for the first leg of the flight. Cleared for Slate Run-Ravine. They are taxiing to runway 15 now. Departure freq will be 290.475.

1945: NAVY SD422 (SALTY DOG from VX-23 at Pax)) with ZDC-Calvert at 7,000 feet...281.4
There are currently several flights on the ZDC UHF freqs. I'm not tracking them...currently 285.4/327.8/281.45 all contain military flights in addition to the 281.4 freq.
1949: RAVEN flight still not off the ground...monitoring 290.475 departure freq and 347.2 Ops freq where they report time airborne.
1951: RAVEN airborne at this time....flight of three A-10s...347.2
1952: RAVEN 1 flight climbing out...depature freq...cleared direct Ravine at 3000 feet for now...290.475
1952: NAVY SD422 handed to ZDC-Woodstown and checks in at 18000 feet...363.0
1953: RAVEN flight handed off to TRACON and check in at 3000...cleared to 4000...291.625
1954: GRAYHAWK 11 (E-2 NAS Norfolk) with ZDC-Salisbury...257.7
1955: ROCCO 62 (KC-135E, 58-0078, 108th ARw McGuire) giving Blackjack report to Torch Control...303.0
1955: RAVEN flight using interflight freq...142.3
1957: RAVEN flight cleared to 11,000 feet....291.625
1958: RAVENs handed off to ZNY-Lancaster and are cleared to 15,000 feet...239.05

2000: RAVEN flight cleared to 16,000 feet....239.05
2000: GRAYHAWK 11 requests direct Navy Norfolk...257.7
2003: Navy SD 422 handed off to ZNY-Kennedy and checks in at FL 200...282.3
2006: RAVEN flight handed off to ZNY-Williamsport and check in there...338.3
2010: Navy SD 422 reports he's going round-robin to Boston and back to NHK (Patuxent)...282.3
2013: Navy SD422 handed off to 317.7 and checks in at FL 270 (this is not the ZDC-Valley version of 317.7. It's Boston Center - Danbury Sector 19.)
2019: I've lost the RAVEN flight...out of range on ZNY and interflight freq is very weak and noisy now. I just heard them at 2021 on Raven Ops freq 143.8 also but no idea what they said
2028: JOSA 174 (C-21A, 84-0065, 458th AS Scott AFB IL) landing Andrews...118.4
2031: FORCE 81 (KC-10A, 86-0028, 305th AMW McGuire) giving arrival msg to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-2 for pilot's airspeed indicator inop, 4 crew members, no pax or cargo, landing with 45K on the tail as 86028...319.4
2033: JOSA 965 (C-21A, 85-0095, 457th AS Andrews) gives arrival message to Andrews...ETA 0100Z, tail 095, Air Force A-4 to offload...mission complete upon landing...378.1
2045: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG Warfield ANGB) with Philips AAF Tower...talks about time Philips going to do some drops...gets handed off to Potomac TRACON 125.525....126.15
2053: REACH 2112 (C-17A, 02-1112, 183d AS MS-ANG Jackson) with Andrews giving arrival msg...378.1
2053: Also have a Marine KC-130T arriving Andrews (BuNo 164442)...(Missed freq while raiding the fridge)
2054: Hearing A-10s talking on Ops freq 143.8....might be the RAVEN flight coming home or else I'm hearing them a hell of a long way off. (Yes, it's the RAVEN flight)
2059: JOSA 965 landing at ADW with Tower...gear down...118.4

2101: REACH 718 (C-17A, 97-0046, 437th AW Charleston) through the area at FL 310...ZDC freqs
2101: RAVEN flight at Bollen Range...237.2 (and working 143.8 as an interflight of them has turned into a WARDOG OA-10 while at the range)
2108: REACH 2112 Heavy landing at ADW w/Tower...118.4
2112: REACH 204 (C-17A, 99-0063, 62d AW McChord AFB WA) through the area at FL 320...ZDC freqs
2113: Same for REACH 0353 but he's a contract aircraft from World Airways (MD-11, N277WA) at FL 330 heading to the northeast as he always is when heard through this area...ZDC 2131 he's east of Cape May NJ out in the Atlantic on a 65 degree heading.
2135: We've also got CRAB 52 [female] (C-130J, 97-1352, 135th AS MD-ANG) in the area somewhere...385.9
2137: ROCCO 63 (KC-135E, 108th ARW NJ-ANG McGuire) on his way home at FL 250 (just heard him in the background and didn't notice the freq)
2140: CRAB 52 with Martin State Tower for landing...2 miles out, gear down, cleared to land at 2143...121.3
2143: JOSA 174 (C-21A, 84-0065, 458th AS) off from Andrews...118.95 (Log item at 2028 had him landing at ADW)
2147: JOSA 174 reports airborne at 0140Z to Griffin Command...141.55
2150: RAVEN flight now coming home to MTN and has changed to the original interflight freq...142.3
2152: RAVEN flight to MTN Tower....19 miles out, requesting straight in to runway 33...297.2
2158: RAVEN 1/2/3 landing nose to tail reporting gear down, full stop...297.2
And they're all finally home after a 2 hour, 7 minute flight that took them from MTN to the Duke MOA, to Bollen Range and back to MTN.

2224: CRAB 56 back in the area for landing at Martin State...with Tower...currently in the pattern at 1400 feet...300 feet at 2225 heading for runway 15...and on the ground about 20 seconds later...121.3
2244: DC 32 back at Andrews with Tower...118.4

Ref Below: JEDI 43 is a C-17A, tail 04-4129 from the 6th AS at McGuire. If you can get ROCCO 63's tail it would be appreciated Travis. He's one of the few Kc-135 airframes from the 108th I don't have the tail for. I'm also missing just one for the Andrews KC-135s - DC 32 that's flying this evening. I believe he's going to be refueling in AR-636 beginning at 2130 local time should someone hear him.

NOTE: I added a new callsign to my database today. ADOBE used by a KC-135R from the 99th ARS at Robins AFB GA.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
Attention Dave: (That's dparana Dave - not to be confused with DPD1 Dave)
It's 1932 and there is going to be a RAVEN flight of A-10s departing Martin State shortly. They will be headed for the Duke MOA up your way. They'll be at flight level 12,000 after departure - at least for the first leg of the flight. Cleared for Slate Run-Ravine. They are taxiing to runway 15 now. Departure freq will be 290.475.

Hey Tin and All,
RAVEN flight was up in the DUKE MOA working with OPEC 38. RAVEN's were using the 142.30 freq then switched to 143.80 just before refuelling. Refuelling was on 234.50, which is a new one for me but maybe common for work with OPEC. RAVEN's went to R-5802, the Bollen Range, after refuelling. Freqs used entering & leaving the DUKE were the usual 338.30 and 353.85. Work was completed just before 2100 and the RAVEN's were still using the 143.80 freq while at Bollen. I could hear them, it was pretty faint though. RAVEN 3 was 78-0719.

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May 12, 2006
Northern Virginia
05.24.2007 am

Only the one again this morning...

05.24.2007 am

1050Z 118.950 Potomac DEP - PAT 1202 - (C-12T am shuttle) - 6000' for 4000' down to 2000' dir Davison QSY TWR 126.300.
1053Z 126.300 Davison AAF TWR - PAT 1202 - (C-12T am shuttle) - vis. rwy 32.


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
1000 hour has lots of fighters up....DC-ANG, NJ-ANG and PA-ANG are all up. Tankers and transports all over the place. WILD/SCARY flights coming home from W-107....DEVIL flight in the low level route in southern PA...PA-ANG is working Bollen Range.

At 1019, Blue Angel 9 heard being sent to Dover 132.425 by TRACON controller simulcasting on 317.425.
What has happened to today's Air Force? This was the lead story in the most recent emailed Air Force version of the newletter I just received.
Female Airman Punished for Threesome,13319,136750,00.html?
And the 33 pages (so far) of comments on the discussion board that follow the story are the real story.
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Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
167th Airlift Wing C5's at Martinsburg

TinEar said:
Thanks Brian. I thought they had another but I guess not....yet.

This morning I found that the 167th does indeed have a third, 70-0463, in addition to the two I posted yesterday. Alan, I have to give you credit, I live 5 miles from the airport & didn't know that they had 463 until I went & checked!

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
DPD1 said:
Somebody caught it out of LB the other day.

Guess it will be a while until the 07 models start coming out... Probably this time next year, unless they stick the foreign orders in front of them.


Thanks Dave for that heads-up link to excellent photo.
I see C-17 has same new blue tail band that Dover is slowly adding to it's C-5
Sure looks nice brand new like that!

Coming to Dover next week Monday June 4th.

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Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
Thanks Dave for that heads-up link to excellent photo.
I see C-17 has same new blue tail band that Dover is slowly adding to it's C-5
Sure looks nice brand new like that!

Coming to Dover next week Monday June 4th.

They say that was the first test flight, but I noticed it was up at BFI on the 13th as BOE165. Usually they do the very first flight over the water off the coast, and they usually use BOEING and then the last three serial digits. I don't know if Boeing Pilots deliver them or AF Pilots. Every once in a great while I'll hear them call into Boeing LB on UHF, but not often. They're pretty much solo flights with no control monitoring.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
BM82557 said:
This morning I found that the 167th does indeed have a third, 70-0463, in addition to the two I posted yesterday. Alan, I have to give you credit, I live 5 miles from the airport & didn't know that they had 463 until I went & checked!


Brian, thanks very much for making that check. I was fairly sure they had a third but couldn't argue the point since I didn't lay eyes on it myself. I've now made the change to my master C-5 list. Thanks again.

DPD1/Dave said:
Guess it will be a while until the 07 models start coming out... Probably this time next year, unless they stick the foreign orders in front of them.
...As Canada has done. They've jumped the line at least for their first two.

I also noted the Royal Australian Air Force getting their second C-17A on the 11th of this month. (tails A41-206 and A41-207) The original was in California last evening - the A41-206 tail - in the San Francisco area as flight ASY 648.
The U.K. is buying the four they've had on lease and are preparing to buy four more.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2001
Northeast Maryland
GHOST 88 KC-10 #85-0034 arrival message McGuire eta about 2315z.
Sounds like a return mission from Edwards.
AXEMAN 1 A-10's Martin State climbing with ZNY 239.0500>ZNY 322.400 to 16k feet A/A 142.300
maybe headed for upstate Pa range?
REACH 6022 C-5 Travis arriving Dover 2355z.
REACH 6159 C-17 Travis trying McGuire CP over and over again on wrong freq 349.400
actually listed as secondary close range freq for Mcguire but they rarely answer on it.
OK he finally gets right freq 319.400,arriving/diverting McGuire cause hydraulic leak #4

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Apr 10, 2003
Glen Burnie, Maryland
Mark said:
AXEMAN 1 A-10's Martin State climbing with ZNY 239.0500>ZNY 322.400 to 16k feet A/A 142.300
maybe headed for upstate Pa range?


1951: Confirm...AXEMAN and RAVEN flights going to the Duke MOA and will refuel. One flight is 18 minutes ahead of the other (not sure which is first). The lagging flight advised the first flight to jump on the tanker if he's there. They used their Ops freq as a common...143.8
They'll be operating on 259.4 in the Duke per a message from Ops.

2006: REACH 369 (C-17A, 04-4137, 6th AS McGuire) arriving Andrews....ETA 30 past the hour, no pax or cargo...378.1
2011: CRAB 56 (C-130J, 98-1356, 135th AS MD-ANG) with Crab Ops...385.6
(CRAB 52 is somewhere in the area too)
2015: Here he is...CRAB 52 (C-130J, 97-1352, 135th AS MD-ANG) w/Crab Ops...385.6
That reminds me...I still haven't pinned down exactly where their drop zone is. I think it's around Phillips AAF. The callsign they use for the drop controller is AEGIS DZ (Drop Zone) and usually use 148.925 when they talk to him.
2022: Saudi Arabian Air Force HZ 124 climbing out of Dulles (A-340, tail HZ-124)...TRACON
[That Brazilian Air force C-130 that I logged last night - tail FAB2466 - was in the area again today around 1300. That's the only other foreign air force craft noted today.]
2033: JOSA 837 (C-21A, 84-0075, 457th AS Andrews) arriving at Andrews....119.85/119.3
2036: JOSA 837 with Andrews Tower...13 miles out, full stop on runway 19L...118.4
2036: CRAB 56 to Crab Ops with arrival message...20 minutes out, A-1, 23K on the gas...385.9

2100: BLACKJACK 1 and 2 up...139.7
2104: BLACKJACK 1 with ADW Tower...118.4
2104: AXEMAN flight with ZNY-Lancaster...239.05
2108: CRAB 52 starting his approach into Martin State...385.9
2108: AXEMAN flight with ZNY-Modena 335.6
2115: Either RAVEN or AXEMAN reporting 10 minutes out, both Code 1...347.2
2116: AXEMAN 1 flight to MTN Tower...wants to do multiple approaches and asks tower to dim the lights...297.2
2122: REACH 9016 (C-5A, 69-0016, 68th AS) gives arrival msg to Dover CP...ETA 0150Z, has 2430 pounds of cargo to download on 1 pallet, 13 pax offloading, 33 going through...has 40 seats available on the outbound flight, is A-1...needs airstairs and K-Loader...349.4
2122: RAVEN flight also back in the MTN area...347.2
2125: RAVEN flight to MTN Tower...asks for the lights to be turned up a couple of notches, will full stop and then says they can turn them back down for the AXEMAN flight...297.2
2144: OPEC 48 (KC-10A, 85-0031, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP with arrival msg....ETA 0210Z, A-2 for aft fuel tank spill valve will not open...319.4
2152: SAM 1472 (C-37A, 99-0402, 99th AS Andrews) landing Andrews w/Tower...118.4
2154: REACH 7028 (C-5B, 87-0028, 60th AMW Travis AFB CA) arriving Dover...349.4
2157: Navy 8E705 (Roosevelt Roads NAS Puerto Rico) landing Andrews w/Tower....118.4
2159: OPEC 49 (KC-10A, 79-0434, 305th AMW McGuire) to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-2...319.4

2218: DC 44 (KC-135R, 62-3543, 756th ARS Andrews) with arrival message to LIBERATOR...20 minutes out, A-1, 23K on the gas...parking in Spot 4...378.1
2219: REACH 593 (C-17A, 04-4133, 6th AS/305th AMW McGuire) through the area at FL 300 flying to the south...ZDC freqs
2229: DC 44 with ADW Tower for landing....118.4
2239: PAT 8009 (UC-35A, 98-0009, PAT Army) to Davison AAF Ops with arrival message...5 minutes out, just landing and pax...if refueling is closed he'll wait until tomorrow...tail 8009...IDs as a Citation C560...139.4
2244: THUG 04 (C-17A, 95-0102, 437th AW Charleston) to McGuire CP...30 minutes out, A-1, 1 pallet to download, needs crew transportation for 19....crew change upon landing - crew already on board - will leave engines running...319.4

The past two nights, Coast Guard Station Hampton Roads has been received here better than Baltimore. They're loud and clear on channel 16 - 156.8.

Ref REACH 6159 (C-17A, 06-6159, 60th AMW Travis) mentioned also that he was scheduled for an AR op but would cancel and take on fuel at McGuire. Wanted the scheduling agency notified. I also had an OPEC 49 (KC-10A, 79-0434 I think, out of McGuire) hanging around and asking someone on 311.0 about his scheduled refueling. He might have been the one left without a dance partner.
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Nov 3, 2005
TinEar said:
1951: Confirm...AXEMAN and RAVEN flights going to the Duke MOA and will refuel. One flight is 18 minutes ahead of the other (not sure which is first). The lagging flight advised the first flight to jump on the tanker if he's there. They used their Ops freq as a common...143.8
They'll be operating on 259.4 in the Duke per a message from Ops.

AXEMAN and RAVEN flights were working with ROCCO 63...did not pick them up too well, I was in my car driving to get some baby formula so I could refuel KATE 01. Work was on 259.40.



Jul 24, 2005
Mark said:
GHOST 88 KC-10 #85-0034 arrival message McGuire eta about 2315z.
Sounds like a return mission from Edwards.

I wasn't paying a lot of attention, but I do recall maybe hearing them working with somebody earlier. Probably left early for the holiday. I think they were working with one of the test C-17s yesterday doing AR.

- Custom Scanner, Aviation, MURS, GMRS, Marine & Ham Antennas -


Dec 19, 2002
San Francisco
Mark said:
REACH 6159 C-17 Travis trying McGuire CP over and over again on wrong freq 349.400
actually listed as secondary close range freq for Mcguire but they rarely answer on it.
OK he finally gets right freq 319.400,arriving/diverting McGuire cause hydraulic leak #4
Left Moffett this morning in support of an RQS 129 deployment. Supposedly going to Germany.
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