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    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Stryker SR-955HPC Video: Unboxing My New Export CB Radio!

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Feb 14, 2005
Minnesota, USA
I didn't know that CB had moved to 10 meters! I must have been ripped off, because mine only has 40 channels.

Not very many people who've been into CB for a long time have "basic" CB anymore. In fact, almost every CBer I know isn't even on the 40 channels anymore. They've all moved up a few and are on SSB.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2018
C.B. being a waste land is one thing, but 10 Meters also? I guess a voice to text to cw converter would allow for reasonable communications without the garbage.

Thanks for clarifying.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2015
Antelope Acres, California
C.B. being a waste land is one thing, but 10 Meters also? I guess a voice to text to cw converter would allow for reasonable communications without the garbage.

Thanks for clarifying.

Well...most don't use it on 10m, since all but the stupid ones know that's asking for a coax cutting party (at the least). But these 10m radios are modified to cover CB with added power, and additional frequencies. Usually, they operate just below the CB band, or just above, between CB and 10m.


Feb 14, 2005
Minnesota, USA
C.B. being a waste land is one thing, but 10 Meters also? I guess a voice to text to cw converter would allow for reasonable communications without the garbage.

Thanks for clarifying.


They are NOT 10-meter radios. If you look on the back you'll see they aren't FCC certified. That's why they are called "Export." They are designed to be CB's but they are labeled 10-Meter rigs so the sellers don't get in trouble for selling illegal radios. There are a lot of Ham Radios that are Mars/Cap modded and used on 11-meters too. The problem with that is everyone of them drops to 25W on AM and sounds like crap (unless it's an old Collins tube rig.) These radios are more less using Ham Radio specs (but way cheaper components) and being used on 11-Meters.

There isn't much going on on 11-Meters anymore. Local contacts are pretty much LSB 38 unless skip is rolling in. Most are talking in between the bands these days and unless they cause harmful interference, the FCC doesn't care.


Feb 14, 2005
Minnesota, USA
Well...most don't use it on 10m, since all but the stupid ones know that's asking for a coax cutting party (at the least). But these 10m radios are modified to cover CB with added power, and additional frequencies. Usually, they operate just below the CB band, or just above, between CB and 10m.

I should add one more thing to this. The majority of CBers using Export Radios are also Ham Operators: Tech Class. However Ham Radio is REGULATED and is enforced fairly well. CB on the other hand has been abandoned by the FCC and there is something about running lawless like the old West. The guy with the biggest gun (or most powerful radio) gets the most respect as long as he doesn't get caught.


Feb 14, 2005
Minnesota, USA
Four hundred bucks for a CB radio? I'll pass.

That's what I paid for my modified Uniden President 2510 back in 1994. The radio was about $235, and then another $175 went into mods for 11-meters. That was typical for that time. I'd say the price is fair considering it's 26 years later and the Stryker has better tech in it.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 24, 2015
Antelope Acres, California
I haven't seen one yet that modulates at 100W on AM, or that sounds clean and clear on AM outside of the Ham Bands.

Then you simply don't understand how AM works. They all modulate to the full output power of the radio, with 100% modulation. I believe the CBers call that "swing." ;). Your Stryker works the exact same way. I promise.

All my ham radios sound great on AM. They're not loud and overdriven like you would expect from using power mics and clipped audio limiters, rather they sound like a studio. I have gotten unsolicited reports that the fidelity is so clear, it sounds like I'm sitting in the room next to them. I don't use a lot of AM, so I don't particularly work on my AM signal either. There are plenty who do, and they literally sound like AM broadcast stations.

Though I will admit, back in the day before I got my license, my Grant XL with a D104 Golden Eagle did sound very, very nice on AM.

Enjoy the Stryker! I've heard good things about them.


More Info Coming Soon!
Jul 18, 2014
I haven't seen one yet that modulates at 100W on AM, or that sounds clean and clear on AM outside of the Ham Bands.
They are rated 40-50W RF output. Why would you expect 100? As to the rest, it's clear you don't own one.


Mar 6, 2004
Paige, Republic of Texas
That's what I paid for my modified Uniden President 2510 back in 1994. The radio was about $235, and then another $175 went into mods for 11-meters. That was typical for that time. I'd say the price is fair considering it's 26 years later and the Stryker has better tech in it.

For $400 I can get a nice used FT-857/IC-706 with a "MARS" mod and do everything an "Export CB" will do and so much more.


Feb 14, 2005
Minnesota, USA
For $400 I can get a nice used FT-857/IC-706 with a "MARS" mod and do everything an "Export CB" will do and so much more.

It may do everything an Export CB does, but how does it sound on AM? Muffled. I like LOUD, CRISP, CLEAR audio that forces one to turn the volume knob down, but CLEAN, wouldn't want to bleet over onto adjacent channels.....
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