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I haven't seen such a radio since the 1970s when the wind up (and solar) Barlow Wadley portables were invented in and made in South Africa. I can tell you that the B-W I reviewed for R Netherland's Media Network back when worked OK in a pinch -- especially if you had no electric or batteries -- but it was single-conversion and overloaded if an external antenna was attached. SW mode was AM, no SSB or CW.
These days I have no idea where you'll find any new analogue portable SW radio regardless of the power source.
You find a few emergency portables searching using terms "wind up radio" and "solar radio" but these seem to be MW and weather bands only.
If you need something analogue and have a smartphone or tablet, perhaps the inexspensive paid (international) version of the TuneIn Radio app may suffice for portability. I've been using it for years; recommended. That assumes you have 3G, LTE or WiFi connectivity and want to listen to broadcast stations around world.
TuneIn also works on desktop and laptop PC, sans portability.
If you can settle for an analogue portable SW there are a number of Grundig and Tecsun 2AA-cell that fit the power requirements you have. I find my older Grundig Eton 100 and Sony (ICF-SW7600GR, may still be sold) battery life to be supurb. Batteries last a long time (4-6 months) for my occasional listening habits that supplements the Tuneln Radio smartphone app.
Of all the portables I have owned or reviewed over the years, none of them really liked an attached longwire antenna. When traveling I'd take a 20' wire to hang in a hotel window. The short wire would help in the Central and Mountain time zones on the edge of eNA and wNA target areas.