Suggestions (and questions) for the Amateur DB

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Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Got some things for the DB admin team and management to mull over.

1. Like has been posted in another thread or two, I would like to see subaudible tones put in with a little more care. The majority of repeaters in my area use tone only for the input of the repeater and don't require any tone to listen to the output (and in fact in some cases you will NOT HEAR the repeater if you have a tone enabled, because it's not sending any). I know some admins have argued "well, that's not the way it works (where the admin is posting from)", but it IS the way it works in some places, so please consider doing it the way the submitters send in the info.

2. I'm hoping that as the amateur info is fleshed out and more becomes available, the amateur side of the database will have similar utilities to the rest of the DB. Example - maps of the repeaters in a given area, able to search by frequency or callsign (alpha tag in many cases), etc.

3. There are various networks and affiliations that many ham repeaters link to that would be of benefit to note in the DB in some uniform format. I would like to see extra fields for this kind of data, such as EchoLink node number, IRLP node number, etc. There are also local nets that many repeaters belong to - at least two large ones in my local area, where upwards of 6 to 10 repeaters across a huge area are permanently linked together. Perhaps yet another field for indication of these local links/nets would be appropriate.

4. In browsing some of the amateur data already in the DB, I see some frequencies that I'm curious whether or not should be in the DB, and am looking for an admin/manager's input. At least one county in my province has 144.39 listed as a "simplex/digipeater". That's a frequency used North America-wide for APRS comms, and there are about a dozen digipeaters in any given city on the continent, depending on the city's size and popularity of amateur radio. Should frequencies like this be in the DB? It's kind of like posting 146.52 as a "calling frequency" when that's another NA-wide standard.. or mentioning the NIFOG channels in a random county's public safety listing.

5. Not sure if this is already in (I suspect it is and I just haven't seen it yet) but if D-STAR and other digital modulations in the ham hobby aren't legitimate modes in the DB schema, I respectfully suggest they be added.


Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Jay, let me try and address these one by one to the best of my knowledge:

1. The tones that are in the DB in relation to ham radio repeaters were there before we established input tones for them. I think you will remember that the policy here on the site was to never publish input tones, only output tones. Naturally we probably do have some ham repeaters out there that had the input tone listed as the output before the DB was changed; however, we don't know that. The solution is to submit the changes, not talk about wholesale automatic changes as some have suggested, since we already have several states that have been worked "properly" and are correct.

2. Although there are probably some changes and expansion that can be done, I am not sure that maps will become part of it (that is, more then currently covered). Currently, because of that nature of the service, it is organized (more or less) on a county basis (using the US as a template) and all the "regular" repeaters go in one sub-cat and ARES/RACES/SKYWARN in another group. For those repeaters that are more regional in scope, assume way tall and good ears/power, we have the option of adding another "wide area" sub-cat to put them in. It is currently the idea that we will not identify the exact locations of ham repeaters and of course the license (through the FCC) does not help any.

3. I think that you have some excellent ideas in relation to networking and I think some of that is being considered at this time; however, due to some family health issues I have been a bit out of the loop since December.

4. Single frequency repeaters are allowed in the DB; however, the APRS and other nationwide standards should not be appearing in "local" entries. A submission explaining that should get them removed as you identify them.

5. D-STAR is indeed a valid mode as well as some others that were added.


Nov 3, 2004
I agree with Jay911 on suggestion 5...D-Star is very popular down south of the states. I am a D-Star user and would love to see the repeater frequencies and which part of the state they are located in.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
I agree with Jay911 on suggestion 5...D-Star is very popular down south of the states. I am a D-Star user and would love to see the repeater frequencies and which part of the state they are located in.

5. D-STAR is indeed a valid mode as well as some others that were added.

As Lou pointed out, D-STAR is already a valid mode type in the database.

These are the current mode types in the database:

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