So we get an article just because they are going P2?
What does this mean? I'm confused.
“What happens is when we key up one of our radios into Maryland on a Phase 2 system we occupy two of their radio frequencies at the same time,”
When Delaware units respond into Maryland, their radios would use P25P1 FDMA and the talkpath would occupy the full 12.5 khz channel. The bordering Maryland jurisdictions use P25P2 TDMA, thus are (logically) 6.25 khz wide, and can squeeze two talkpaths into one 12.5 khz channel. The Maryland systems use 5, 6 or 8 channels per site, with one configured as a control channel. On the Ocean City 5 channel site, normal TDMA ops gives you 8 concurrent talkpaths for the jurisdiction (the cch is FDMA.) If a mutual aid response brings Delaware units into Ocean City, the working channel reverts to FDMA when a Delaware unit affiliates. This reduces available talkpaths to 6. If it is a complex operation and additional channels are required, the talkpaths are reduced by 2 for every separate channel assigned.