fireboat61;2436490It seems very strong when my home company is alerted and I am able to here all companies from the corner of rt113 and rt24 south and east to the ocean. Other than that I can very rarely hear any companies west of 113 north or south. This is all on the UHF system. [/QUOTE said:
It seems most likely that the 453.700mhz channel is steered. This used to be pretty common, and such a system is much cheaper to engineer that a true simulcast system (where all sites carry the transmissions). It's pretty easy to program the Zetron encoder to know which tower site to use based on the geographic location of the call and the units/stations being paged. I also noticed that the signal strength of 453.700 seemed to vary depending on which station was being paged. And since there's no talk-back on this channel, it doesn't have to be voted. I guess I'll stick to listening to the 800mhz end of things, but even that can be hard to pick up in some of the rural eastern areas.
Thanks for the reply.