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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

    This is a large and very visible forum. We cannot jeopardize the ability to provide the RadioReference services by allowing this activity to occur. Please respect this.

syntor X system 90

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Mar 9, 2011
port huron mi
i need help, i have a 32 ch, system 90 that still works however, i need to reprogram it and i can't get any help from batlabs,,. i want to get it back in service.. any help would be great.


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
i need help, i have a 32 ch, system 90 that still works however, i need to reprogram it and i can't get any help from batlabs,,. i want to get it back in service.. any help would be great.

Not sure why you say you can't get any help from Batlabs. The site has a bunch of information there on the Syntor X9000. I think that is the radio your talking about.

There is another site called the "repeater builder" that also has some good information on the Syntor X9000. Plus it also has a link to the Mike B site. There you will find a ton of detailed information on the Syntor X9000 radio.

Guess at this point you need to be more specific on just what radio you have, what control head you have and what your trying to do.

You will need the Syntor X9000 software, a programming cable, a RIB and a real slow computer running pure DOS and not DOS inside Windows.

I have a number of the Syntor X9000 radios in service. They are not that hard to work with and program. With a simple EEPROM change in the radio, a jumper change and you can now have from between 128 and 256 channels in the radio. You also will need to check the model of your control head to see if it can do the higher number of channels or need to have an EEPROM change also. All this info is on the Mike B site.

Keep us posted on your efforts.


Jun 10, 2006
I have a question on the X9000 going to 128 and 256 channels. I have all of the gear to program them and have done the 32 to 64 channel conversion. I have several lowband and VHF radios I would like to try and take to the 128 and 256 channels. The question is do I need anything beyond the 28-pin 64 channel chip and jumper setting to get it there?

Also can I still have the HAM frequency capability as I do with the 5.02 RSS?

I have both the 128 and 256 channel RSS.


I have a question on the X9000 going to 128 and 256 channels. I have all of the gear to program them and have done the 32 to 64 channel conversion. I have several lowband and VHF radios I would like to try and take to the 128 and 256 channels. The question is do I need anything beyond the 28-pin 64 channel chip and jumper setting to get it there?

Also can I still have the HAM frequency capability as I do with the 5.02 RSS?

I have both the 128 and 256 channel RSS.

I personally did this on many radios... The 128 and 256 versions are not band hacked, at least all the ones i have seen and dealt with. There was a special 256 channel hacked version that worked great for the ham band, and thats what i used for mine.


i need help, i have a 32 ch, system 90 that still works however, i need to reprogram it and i can't get any help from batlabs,,. i want to get it back in service.. any help would be great.

Batlabs is an antiquated site with no updates, not worth opening in my opinion.

If you need info on this stuff go to the Repeater Builder website!

Ok now as for reprogramming.... Here is how i do them...

Pull the memory module, remove covers, pull the EEprom (some of the older ones the chip was soldered in and you have to desolder and remove it), put chip in my Eprom burner, erase it, load image created using SPROG, burn it, pull chip and put back in radio...

If you don't the ability to do all this or don't know someone who can send me a PM, i can help!


Mar 7, 2002
New Orleans region
Then there's this company which I have no personal experience with but it's referenced in the Repeater Builder article: Syntor(x) : Piexx Company, Computers & Electronics

If you talk to the company there, the man answering the phone is very knowledgable. The boards for the Syntor work well and can be programmed with you computer to the channel information you want.

Look the company site up and take a look at the info on the board for the Syntor.
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