If the TBirds follow usual protocal, they arrive on Thursday and fly around a bit to check out landmarks. They practice again Friday and finalize the routine. I'm guessing they will arrive around 1100, maybe do some practice rounds. They will then fly again maybe around 1600. Friday, they'll fly again, probably around 1400 to 1600.
Check out the link that I put in above and program the VHF as well as the UHF freqs. I know last time the diamond team used the 140 freqs to talk on...make sure you program AM mode. Solo's are on a seperate channel and I think TBIRD 1 lead monitors it while talking on the diamond freq. If I remember right, he'll even comment on it once in awhile for timing purposes.
It's very interesting to listen to the diamond as they fly around. The diamond lead has a very interesting way of talking that clues the other pilots exactly how fast to perform a certain maneuver. It really makes the performance more interesting.
Don't forget the other stuf too, like the Heritage team and the jet car. Also, the Air Boss. Find a pilot at the show and ask what freq the Air Boss is on. Try 135.650
The Transient Alert freq 408.3625 will be very busy Thursday, Friday and whenever everyone begins to leave. It's a P25 channel so you'll need a digital-capable radio.