Testing this week on Talkgroup 16
Hello again. Just to let you know, that in Chapleau here where I live, I have been hereing those freq's that sound like a old car engine running. I have heard them for quite a while now. There is one real clear one that I can here (I guess that must be the closet tower to me), then there are 2 others that come in sometimes clear and sometimes not. Also as I have been searching around that 141.000 - 144.000 MHz range I have been hearing and catching some freq's that come on then go away a few seconds later. So these freq's that I am hearing for a few seconds and then going away, would be the main freq's that I would listen to when ever it is up and running. Would you happen to know what will be on those freq's, if you know, so I will know. Also would you happen to know when those freq's would be up and running any time soon or no. Just for your information I have a Radio Shack Pro-2045 Scanner. I will be waiting for any replies to my questions that I asked in this E-mail. Thanks again.