I had a couple of slinky antenna for years. They worked great! One was two slinkies soldered end to end, and stretched out on a rope. It was 3 originally, but I had a nearby AMBC station that was strong enough that it caused problems on all my receivers, either adding a level of hash on lower freqs, or in the worst ones, causing audio to be heard in the background of almost every signal heard. Clipping one slinky off dropped the signal down enough to solve the problem, on my better receivers anyway. The other was a slinky dipole, with two slinkies on each side, put up into my attic. I had a new roof put on and the idiots doing the work went up there when they were replacing some of the plywood on the top of the house and cut it down, thinking it was "some kind of junk", and tossing it in the dumpster. I had a 60' dipole made up already, so I had them put it up for me, and it wasn't, and still isn't, nearly as good as the slinky antenna was. The longwire slinky was easily the best SW antenna I've ever had, easily beating the Alpha Delta Sloper I had in the past, and all the dipoles I've made. I have one of the ebay slinky antennas in the box and plan on getting it up this summer sometime. It looks to be very nicely made. If it lasts half as long as the one I made, I will be thrilled.