As Mike said, C is CTCSS, or PL as /\/\otoheads call it. It's a continuous audio tone lower than human hearing (in this case 127.3 khz) that is transmitted with the voice traffic to allow a receiver to open up the speaker only when it hears that tone on the radio frequency (helps eliminate interference issues).
'Law Dispatch" is a tag used by the RR database to indicate the usage type of each object in the database- it just means that the 39.24mHz net you've downloaded is used for Police dispatch-type use (as opposed to data, tactical, etc). I guess the BCD downloads that info too.
The FM V+0 is two different things. FM is the waveform being received- that net is set to receive Frequency Modulation traffic (as opposed to AM, P25 digital, or something else). V+0 is apparently a volume offset you can set for a specific object in that radio to compensate for differing volumes between systems, which is pretty cool.
I'm sure this was shipped with your radio, but here's a second one for you- this should answer a lot of your questions: