This is not fair .. not fair !!?

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I'm a 14 years old .. And i haven't done anything with my life! Nothing that i could remember forever or something stupid .. I have no friends.. Never had a bf ..I hate my body, i have talents that has no use for me in this world, i'm in love with a guy that i'm pretty sure doesn't even love/like or even look at me,I'm not good at taking school tests.. I just don't get it .. I'm 57 kg and 1.54 cm tall .. I have breasts,you can little see small waist ,but i have no butt which looks so weird because i have huge thighs that can't fit into jeans and it look so disgusting i feel so disgusting i mean if i had something at least little thing behind i would be happy but no .. there is nothing it's all flat ! Whenever i go up in Weight the fat goes to my thighs and nowhere else .. just thighs not butt ! I know it's not the worlds first problemm but i just feel so sad because of all these things going into my life and getting oout .. I just feel so alone and so ugly ..
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