The discussion of old radios brought an interesting twist yesterday. We have here at my work, what I have fondly dubb'd "the museum" - a warehouse where projects too pretty (like some silver plated microwave horns) or novel, useful, weird- are all awaiting the day of their resurrection or cannibalization (like a half dozen beautiful 30Mhz low band repeater duplex'r cavities- all solid machine'd brass- silver plated works of art-- and heavy as battleships.)
One of our engineers was prowling thru the labyrinth and brought me back a 'treasure'---
"What is this?" he asked.
Its a two-tube lab constructed oddity- with a tuning magic 'eye' tube, its own power supply---and a door bell !
"This dates before our time" I said .. "I don't have a clue why somethng like this was in the museum- but" ..... musing over it, added....
"Its an old 1950's/60's CONELRAD monitor"
Why one was at this facility is a mystery, for by time it would have gone off, people here would have known of an attack, well ahead of time.... maybe it was for an isolated site.....
It looks like it might run off a AVC circuit of an AM radio- and its tuning 'eye' brought me back to this topic. The door bell adds a neat artistic touch- and I mention'd Steam Punk before- this is sort of Art Deco-Punk...

Like I said, this dates before me-- but I ask--were these monitors widely used in the 50's, 60's, or did most radio stations ignore the requirements to have a controlled radiation protocol ?
I still see pictures of them, but this is the first I have encounter'd in years and years.
It now resides on my desk- waiting the day its returned to the company of its old friends, back in the Museum.......
