Thru-Glass Option

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Jun 21, 2006
Boy am I ever confused about the right antenna. A few years back I owned a Uniden 250XLT (I believe) and gave the thing up after a few months because I didn't get the reception I though I could get. I tried a couple different handheld antennas as well as magnet mounts for the truck but I just wasn't happy. Well I wanted to get back into the hobby so I just purchased the BR330T and I'm ready to spend some money on decent reception.
It's been a few years so I've lost all bearing on who is on what frequency so for now, I'm looking to listen to them all. I like monitoring everything from, police to fire, airports to military and HAM to the Burger King drive-thru (kidding). I want to use the scanner at home as well as on the road so that would mean something that could be switched between my car and my wifes minivan. We live in Knoxville which is pretty much at the bottom of the valley that is surrounded by the Smoky Mountains.
For home, I was looking into the Scantenna which seems like a popular choice but on the mobile side, I'm leaning towards a thru-glass mount for each of our vehicles. You know, the one that looks like the old in-car cellular antennas. See, I no longer own a truck so I want something that is as low profile as possible to mount on my sporty Altima and her van. I know that there is degradation with this type of antenna and at $29, I might just get what I'm paying for but I just don't want some alien looking three foot antenna mounted on the back of my car. If you all tell me the thru-glass is a total waste and that I have to get something with some height on it, can you tell me what is available that has the best range at the shortest length? Thank you.
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Jun 28, 2005
Southern Illinois
I have no experience with through the glass antennas but from most reports I've read, they are pretty lossy, signal wise. Here's a stealthy little mag-mount you might want to consider. I have two of them and they perform well on VHF-hi and 800 MHz, and I can even receive VHF-lo fairly well with it in my (flat-terrain) area. They are black and less than 14" tall. Very strong magnet. And you can't beat the price. One caution -- The pre-wired coax is only 9 feet long so that may not be long enough for you. HTH.
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