Uniden ... your scanners are pretty good. But really, you need to up your game.
The RSSI (that bar thing) on the Homepatrol models is useless as you cannot read it (how about making them red or orange so you can see them move), and please display the time stamp at the top of the screen from the individual recordings on playback instead of the folder name.
Remember .. we just selected the folder for playback already .. showing it again is pointless. Time to do it right .. Whistler does.
The RSSI (that bar thing) on the Homepatrol models is useless as you cannot read it (how about making them red or orange so you can see them move), and please display the time stamp at the top of the screen from the individual recordings on playback instead of the folder name.
Remember .. we just selected the folder for playback already .. showing it again is pointless. Time to do it right .. Whistler does.