With Tinker’s recent switch from VHF analog to UHF P25, I was wondering what might happen during a major multi-agency fire at Tinker like the devastating building 3001 fire back in the early 1980s – or what was going to happen this winter during grass fire season. Tinker has always been a willing ally in fire mutual aid.
Last night Tinker was called to assist Del City on a house fire and I was pleased to learn that the responding unit, Tinker Engine 1, has retained it VHF radio and was able to communicate with Del City.
As an aside, I heard a couple of Tulsa Fire Department dispatches on the OKC site of the State system last evening around nine.
Last night Tinker was called to assist Del City on a house fire and I was pleased to learn that the responding unit, Tinker Engine 1, has retained it VHF radio and was able to communicate with Del City.
As an aside, I heard a couple of Tulsa Fire Department dispatches on the OKC site of the State system last evening around nine.