I decided to take a short trip to the Titan Missile Museum near Green Valley Arizona. I got to hook up my Xeigu X6100 to the 80 foot discone antenna and operate for about an hour before I did the tour of the missile silo. Although the antenna worked really well, the area was saturated by strong signals from a nearby AM radio transmitter. The Xeigu's receiver got overwelmed and it was difficult to pull out anything but the strongest signals. Even so, I made some contacts back in California and it was really fun. But if anyone decides to go and do this it might be better to bring a regular 100 watt radio as the filtering will be better. The silo turned out to be really interesting and worth the trip in it's own right. Afterward, we went to the Pima Air Museum and spent about four hours looking at old airplanes. Overall, we had a really great time!