I've got a pair of TK-3501-E PMR446 radios, one of them works properly and the other does not. These radios are supposed to beep when powered on and then work properly, but one of them displays a weird behaviour when powered on: most of the time, it shows an amber light, then it rarely beeps. Sometimes it doesn't do the amber light thing and goes straight to beeping, and then sometimes it doesn't beep at all. It always works properly after this, according to the default channels that are detailed in the manual.
It's not the battery, because I've switched them around and it doesn't help. I've also tried the reset procedure and the programming procedure as they are explained in the manual, and it doesn't do anything.
This one radio can't also be programmed, the programming software KPG-173D shows a communication error, while the other radio works okay.
Please advise on what could be wrong about this radio, thank you.
It's not the battery, because I've switched them around and it doesn't help. I've also tried the reset procedure and the programming procedure as they are explained in the manual, and it doesn't do anything.
This one radio can't also be programmed, the programming software KPG-173D shows a communication error, while the other radio works okay.
Please advise on what could be wrong about this radio, thank you.