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TK-780 STUNNED randomly

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
Hi folks.

Is it possible to disable STUN messages on a TK-780?

I had programmed one last week, and when monitoring an open VHF channel in the area it apparently stopped working, displaying the word "ERROR" on screen.

I'll look at the unit tonight, but wondering why it would go into STUN mode? Could someone have pressed some DTMF keys and stunned it? Is there a way to completely disable the radio from being stunned in the future?

Does FleetSync have to be disabled to stop it happening again?

Or do some of these units develop a fault where they STUN themselves?


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
Different radio, but I had a (department issue) then-fairly-new TK-2312 that would randomly go into STUN mode. None of the others from that purchase order did it. I could reset it with the KPG software but it did it 3 times over the course of a few months so off to the dealer it went. He said that the firmware was evidently corrupted, it was re-written to the radio and no further issues with it. Possibly a similar situation with yours?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
Different radio, but I had a (department issue) then-fairly-new TK-2312 that would randomly go into STUN mode. None of the others from that purchase order did it. I could reset it with the KPG software but it did it 3 times over the course of a few months so off to the dealer it went. He said that the firmware was evidently corrupted, it was re-written to the radio and no further issues with it. Possibly a similar situation with yours?

Possibly. I had the radio back for a few minutes, and writing the codeplug dealt with the error. However, 30 minutes later it went back into STUN mode in a completely different location.

Clearly nothing to do with receiving a STUN signal.

When I get it back again, I'll try flashing the firmware and see if that clears the issue up. Thanks for the tip!


Nov 17, 2016
Down South
But why would you want the radio to stun? I mean you're walking down the sidewalk with the radio on your belt when suddenly you fall down all laid out on the ground and all the other pedestrians are like, "what happened to this guy?"

Sorry, just couldn't resist.


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
Possibly. I had the radio back for a few minutes, and writing the codeplug dealt with the error. However, 30 minutes later it went back into STUN mode in a completely different location.

Clearly nothing to do with receiving a STUN signal.

When I get it back again, I'll try flashing the firmware and see if that clears the issue up. Thanks for the tip!
Same thing here, nothing is even set up at our Dispatch to STUN Kenwood or any other brand of VHF gear (the TSYS is another deal...but it's all Moto or EFJ). I'd get the FW re-written and give it a try, a dealer should be able to do that cheap or free. If it persists after that...well, I dunno. My 2312 is the only one I ever saw with that issue, and the dealer only tried re-writing the FW after the radio passed all the tests they tried on it...and then went into STUN on them spontaneously. If it hadn't, they were going to kick it back to me and tell me to quit smoking funny cigarettes or something.:roll:


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
Same thing here, nothing is even set up at our Dispatch to STUN Kenwood or any other brand of VHF gear. I'd get the FW re-written...

I'm still somewhat clueless about this.
I got the radio back, reprogrammed it, and it seemed fine. I also left several other radios (same model) running for multiple hours. None of the other units showed any sign of problems.

Then the guy told me it happened again with the radio.

I had him bring it back, and sent him away with another unit (still a TK-780). I updated the firmware on the original unit he returned.

Left the original unit running after the FW update - no problems on 24 hours of receive.
Then this chaps replacement radio went into STUN mode. Very odd!

He brought it back today. That unit is running FW 1.04.03.

Here is what I've learned. Each time the radio has gone into STUN mode, it has been on 153.050MHz, and it has only happened within a few miles of a certain town. Yet I cannot replicate it here!

I have tried transmitting a *91 DTMF code, but can't seem to invoke STUN with a different brand radio.

So I'm wondering if there is some kind of overload happening near a transmitter location in that town?
Or is someone there transmitting STUN codes when they hear chatter (it is a Province wide shared frequency)?

Lastly, back to my first question. Is there a way to completely disable STUN in these radios?

Thanks for any other suggestions in trying to get to the bottom of this!


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
I'm not that familiar with the TK-X80 series -- our department has a couple of them in apparatus but they've not caused any problems so I haven't had to go poking around in the CPS -- but I would think that there would be an option in the programming software to disable STUN. You'll just have to look for it...sorry, that's the best I can offer.


Mar 24, 2017
To my knowledge the only way to stun that model radio is with fleetsync. A fleetsync status of 90 or 91 would stun the radio. Not sure if this can be falsed someway or not but disabling the fleetsync optional signaling on that channel should correct the problem.


Jan 17, 2009
As I recall, for the TK-x80 series, the "STUN" was called "Deadbeat Disable", and is found in the DTMF edit screen. If you remove the code there, the response to the "Deadbeat Disable" is also rendered ineffective. It it is actually a signal doing it, that should resolve the problem.
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