To All Oklahoma Hams and Skywarn Spotters

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Dec 14, 2001
Tulsa, OK and Wichita, KS


Feb 24, 2001
So whats the problem with it? I only tune into the W5IAS repeater when there is severe weather in the area.


Nut Protector Extraordinaire
Nov 28, 2006
Pryor Creek, OK
bswst501 said:
So whats the problem with it? I only tune into the W5IAS repeater when there is severe weather in the area.

That's part of the problem. Too many people are just casual users and don't really "support" the system. Then when they need it, it doesn't work like they would have hoped it would.

The technical problem that it's been having for months is the constant belching it seems to do that totally covers up what the person talking is saying. It sounds similar to harmful interference caused by someone keying up over someone else. However, that's not what's going on. It seems to be some other type of problem.


Aug 4, 2003
There are three current issues with the linked system.

1. Bartlesville is down being rebuilt. The radio is ready to go, but needs moved to the site and hooked up. That's tentatively scheduled for this weekend, but the guy who owns that repeater is very busy (and remember we're all volunteers).

2. The McAlester machine is down being replaced. The people in McAlester had some key part back-ordered, and it isn't in yet.

3. The Mannford machine has a blown PA (final amplifier). We have the part, but need to get the tech out to replace it. That should happen in the next week or so (hopefully). Again, remember, we're volunteers.

The "doubling" is related to the problem with the Mannford machine. When 443.850 transmits, the link receiver "hears" it and the controller keys the local (442.000) machine to retransmit the signal from Tulsa. BUT, the "problem" (from some unknown cause) is that 442.000 then decides it's receiving a signal, so it then retransmits it's own signal (what it's receiving on 443.850) back out through it's link machine (transmitting on 448.850 back into Tulsa) The result is a "feedback" loop slightly out of phase (due to the distance/time delay) so what 443.85 "hears" is a perfect double - 1/2 whoever is transmitting into the system, and 1/2 the out of phase feedback from Mannford. Result is the same as if two people key up at once.

It's hoped that replacing the PA will cure it - since they'll also do a "tune-up" while they're there. And if not, we'll get that fixed, too, but if there are more parts involved, it's another round of "volunteer time".

BTW, the ONLY thing that supports the W5IAS linked system is the good will of the individuals who own the outlying repeaters (Tulsa ARC only owns 4 of them) and the people who pay dues or otherwise donate to the Tulsa ARC. I don't care if you use "our" repeaters, because I expect to be able to use "yours" (speaking generically) - but if you use them, PLEASE support some club - any club - to pay your share. If we had to replace the whole system at once, we probably have over $1,000,000 worth of equipment out there (and no, we didn't pay that for it - much of it is donated and/or salvaged).


Dec 19, 2004
Tulsa, OK
Jay, I was actually talking to KC5KLM about the W5IAS system this morning (while he was harassing me about getting my ticket:lol: ) and he said about the same thing: the TARC is in desperate need of manpower willing/able to work on the repeater system.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 3, 2005
E Hawkesbury Twp, ON
phil_smith said:
Jay, I was actually talking to KC5KLM about the W5IAS system this morning (while he was harassing me about getting my ticket:lol: ) and he said about the same thing: the TARC is in desperate need of manpower willing/able to work on the repeater system.

This was the same issue faced back in the old TexNet days (9600 baud packet backbone that covered a lot of N Texas, eastern OK, and NW Ark, c.1994) - lots of users, many more whiners, and not a lot of folks that either ponied up cash or volunteered to work on the nodes.

Supposedly, there will be a node further west on this system that will allow folks in the OKC metro to access the system. I look forward to it and have bought my wife a dual-band for her truck in anticipation of this.

Have the folks that support the system considered setting up a voluntary fund for upkeep? You could accept PayPal donations ...


Aug 4, 2003
There is a repeater "in the works" that will be on the KOSU tower on the north side of Edmond. It may be a "part-time" link. We'd like it to monitor storms in the OKC area that are headed our way, but would probably turn it off if there are storms in both areas to avoid the confusion of hearing two NWS offices at once (when we're busy with our own, anyway). Freqs are coordinated and hardware has been acquired - just waiting on the volunteer manpower to "hook it all up".

Most of the "maintenance" issues with the W5IAS system revolves around limited techs with the necessary expertise and equipment and those that have it are too busy with their "real jobs". Doesn't help that some of the repeaters are on commercial sites with limited access. For example, the Mannford machine is on a MetroCall tower. One of our techs works for MetroCall, but no one else can "get in" to the site unless he's there, too. He's there once a month or so doing other work, and works us in while he's there - but we're at his work schedule's mercy, too. If MetroCall sends him to Conway, AR, he won't be out by Keystone that day.

Funding is very simple. If you use the system, we'd appreciate your financial support. The Tulsa ARC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, so all contributions are tax deductible. Send your check to the club PO Box (address on the website, but to save you time, it's
Tulsa Amateur Radio Club
Box 4283
Tulsa, OK, 74159

If you include a note that you'd like a receipt, we'll mail one to you and you can take it off your taxes if you itemize. Or of course you can do the same in person by stopping by any of our meetings or events. Just ask for Gina, the club treasurer.

Keep in mind also that not all repeaters on the link system are "owned" by the TARC. Stillwater is run by the OSU club, and Bob (K5RAV) built and maintains the Ketchum and Bartlesville machines, etc. So if you're using an outlying link, find out who supports the machine YOU use, and contribute to them - that's just as important as supporting us.

Finally, while more money is always nice - like I said, the issue at the moment is not money (we have the parts) but time - we can't get the right people at the right place soon enough to please everyone.
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