Toyota Owners 400 - RIR - Richmond April 23/24 2016 Logs

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Dec 26, 2005
I wasn't sure if I should put this in a different forum but I'm posting it in the Virginia discussion subforum. Here are my logs from 04/23/2016 and 04/24/2016. Most were heard at my base station QTH (just under 4 air miles from Richmond International Raceway). Others were heard in my mobile, generally closer to RIR, at various places in downtown Richmond.

Several of the regional interop talkgroups on the Richmond/Henrico/Chesterfield trunking system were active, including Regionwide 2, Regionwide 3, Regionwide 4, Regionwide Public Safety 2 and Regionwide Public Safety 3. At points, my PSR-800 indicated that some of these talkgroups were patched. Perhaps to STARS? I didn't hear any patches to conventional frequencies. The old 460.2625 [PL 151.4] Virginia State Police on-scene repeater for RIR was silent. I'm sure they've switched to either using STARS, 700MHz simplex/talk-around channels or talkgroups on the regional system.

On to the logs:

151.5125 DPL 243 - Portables, talking about a disabled guest [Itinerant]
151.6250 PL 67.0 - Camera/Sound Coordination (TV/Film Crew "channel 1") [Red Dot/Itinerant]
151.7750 PL 141.3 - Mobiles, talking about parking/traffic, etc (could be spectators)
151.8200 CSQ - Data Bursts [MURS 1]
151.8200 PL 156.7 - "okay I see you now, go ahead and turn around" [MURS 1]
151.8200 PL 192.8 - Somebody doing radio checks [MURS 1]
151.8800 CSQ - Data Bursts, similar to those heard on 151.820 [MURS 2]
151.9100 DMR
151.9400 PL 94.8 - Voice Inversion Scrambling [MURS 3]
151.9550 PL 67.0 - "Everybody go to channel 1" (TV/Film Crew "channel 2")
152.8850 PL 74.4 - Portables, weak (unknown of related to race)
154.4900 PL 67.0 - Camera/Sound Coordination (TV/Film Crew "channel 3" - see also 151.625/151.955)
154.5700 PL 67.0 - Discussing chairs and tents (portables) [MURS 4/Blue Dot]
154.6000 PL 67.0 - Vendors [MURS 5/Green Dot]
154.6000 PL 179.9 - [MURS 5/Green Dot]
158.4000 DPL 743 - Portables, talking about tents (weak) [Itinerant]
450.0375 CSQ - STL/cueing [Fox Sports per RR DB]
450.0625 CSQ - Continuous carrier, possibly cueing/STL (repeating/relaying audio)
450.1250 CSQ - Continuous carrier, possibly cueing/STL [ESPN/ABC per RR DB]
450.1750 CSQ - "The Toyota Owners 400 is brought to you on Fox" [ESPN/ABC freq per RR DB]
450.2125 CSQ - Race commentary, can be heard (with a delay) on several of the 450MHz freqs listed
450.2625 CSQ - Seems to be a slightly delayed relay of 450.175 and 450.3875
450.3000 CSQ - Continuous carrier, possibly cueing/STL [Fox Sports per RR DB]
450.3875 CSQ - Cue/STL, crowd chatter/conversations heard in background
450.4125 DPL 114 - Cue/STL (WTVR) - Continuous carrier
450.4875 CSQ - Music and MC talking to the crowd, interviewing spectators
450.5375 CSQ - Music and Announcer interviewing spectators (possibly wireless PA system)
450.6625 CSQ - Cue/STL, TV crew chattering in background
450.7375 CSQ - Cue/STL, continuous carrier, conversations heard in background
451.0125 DMR
451.0625 DMR
451.1250 DMR
451.6500 DPL 114 - MDC bursts "Hey Randy when you come back from J will you stop at H for me?"
451.8000 DMR
451.8250 DPL 306 - "your lane is still good" "watch that inside!" "still 3" "that a**hole is still down there"
451.8375 DMR
451.9250 DPL 047 - Talking about guests, similar traffic to 452.8000 [RIR Repeater WQRX291 per RR DB]
452.0750 DPL 023 - Keyups, unknown if related to race (probably a repeater)
452.0875 DPL 455 - "one inside, 21" "come back, he's coming from behind" "spotter"
452.0250 PL 151.4 - "somebody up front should probably take them" (possibly unrelated to race)
452.0875 DPL 455 - "23, you've got 20 in front of him" "inline"
452.2000 DPL 205 - "here by 5" (possibly unrelated to race)
452.6750 DPL 032 - "42 just right there" (possibly a repeater)
452.7125 CSQ - Data Bursts/Telemetry (strong signal)
452.8000 DPL 245 - "Wheelchair" "Handicap car to the front" - [RIR Repeater WQRX291 per RR DB]
454.0000 CSQ - Announcer talking about different driver stats, etc [MRN Radio/PRN Radio per RR DB]
455.3250 CSQ - Data Bursts (possibly telemetry)
456.3500 PL 167.9 - "Just a single microphone, or several around it...or what their plan was"
456.8125 DPL 023 - Talking about directing cars, spectator/tailgating crowd noise in background
456.8500 DPL 411 - "back inside" "stay low" spotter-to-driver comms
456.8875 DPL 223 - "copy that"
457.1500 DPL 734 - "coming to you on the inside" "31 this way down" "top of 3 here for a second"
457.1625 CSQ - Data Bursts (probably telemetry)
457.5125 PL 71.9 - Continuous carrier, conversations in background
457.5375 PL 82.5 - "okay let them go now" "copy that"
458.1125 DPL 054 - "inside two cars" "a little more now" "bumper..bumper..bumper.." "try it again"
458.2125 CSQ - Data Bursts/Telemetry
458.1750 DPL 743 - "you're back on the 88 now" "88 on the inside" "clear clear" "inside"
460.0000 CSQ - Data Bursts/Telemetry
460.7375 DPL 245 - "still there, outside" "clear! clear! you're all clear!" - spotter-to-driver comms
460.9500 PL 85.4 - "33 out back" "don't play dumb" "stay higher now" (race/crowd noises in background)
461.2000 DPL 432 - Callsigns heard: "Cleanup 1", "Tower","44", "95" and "15 (see also: 464.6000)
461.2625 PL 141.3 - "Maybe Ronnie could help"
461.4000 DPL 132 - "There's the bathroom, Trish, do you need to strip?"
461.9000 DPL 612 - Constant carrier, very faint background noise (possibly a stuck mic)
462.0000 CSQ - Data Bursts (similar to bursts heard on 460.0000)
462.1250 PL 69.3 - Talking about food service, catering, etc (portables)
462.1625 DPL 606 - "Hey John, no more vehicles outbound your way, so don't let any vehicles go"
462.4750 DPL 413 - "Good job today guys!" (with strong DMR interference)
462.5500 PL 67.0 - Children screaming into radio (with Motorola roger beeps) [FRS/GMRS 15]
462.5625 CSQ - "You picking me up?" (no roger beep) [FRS 1]
462.5625 PL 67.0 - Kids talking on the radio (with Motorola roger beep) [FRS 1]
462.5625 PL 71.9 - FRS call tones "ringing" [FRS 1]
462.5625 PL 79.7 - Man talking about which drivers are placing with crowd/race background noise [FRS 1]
462.5625 PL 103.5 - People playing FRS call tones back and forth to each other [FRS 1]
462.5625 PL 186.2 - Family talking about seating [FRS 1]
462.5875 CSQ - Microphone keyed, background/crowd noise heard [FRS 2]
462.6125 CSQ - Kids playing on the radio, call tones, roger beeps, etc [FRS 3]
462.6250 PL 100.0 - Family talking about finding their car in the parking lot, call tones [FRS/GMRS 18]
462.6375 CSQ - Kids playing on the radio (Midland roger beep) [FRS 4]
462.6375 CSQ - "Test! Test! Test!" (no roger beep, different group than the one above) [FRS 4]
462.6375 PL 131.8 - Tailgating, people laughing and playing on the radio [FRS 4]
462.6375 PL 159.8 - Someone drunkenly singing (badly) over the radio [FRS 4]
462.6625 CSQ - FRS call tones, sounds like kids playing with radios, Motorola roger beeps [FRS 5]
462.6750 PL 67.0 - FRS roger beeps heard [FRS/GMRS 20]
462.6875 PL 67.0 - Motorola FRS roger beep heard [FRS 6]
462.7000 PL 118.8 - "Floor number 4" (Midland roger beep) [FRS/GMRS 21]
462.7125 PL 82.5 - Talking about parking [FRS 7]
462.7125 PL 97.4 - "Turn three! Turn three!" Man yelling into radio over race background noise [FRS 7]
462.7250 CSQ - Likely spectators, people playing with call tones, playing music, etc [FRS/GMRS 22]
462.7625 DPL 074 - weak, sounded like portables/simplex
462.8000 CSQ Paging - Possibly not related to race, no ID heard
462.9125 DPL 162 - "say that again?"
463.2125 DMR
463.3125 DPL 703 "break" "one more" (Repeater)
463.5875 DPL 703 - "You can use vendor parking for overflow if you need it" "going back to 14" (Repeater)
463.6875 DPL 162 - "Clean up the track a little bit" "bumper" "corner! corner!" "clear high, clear low"
463.7625 DPL 047 - "all clear now"
463.8000 DMR
463.8750 PL 127.3 - "It's nothing at all" "alright 10-4"
464.1125 DMR
464.1625 DMR
464.2875 CSQ - Data Bursts (probably telemetry)
464.5000 DMR - [Designated as "NASCAR-16" per RR DB] [Brown Dot/Itinerant]
464.5000 PL 146.2 - "Guys do we have any coffee?"
464.5000 DPL 423 - "Hey Hillary, can you give me the all-clear when we're good to go on the track?"
464.5000 DPL 627 - "Inside the VIP tent and trailers" "I haven't been told where to take that yet"
464.5125 PL 77.0 - "Have you spoken to Jenny lately?"
464.5500 DMR - [Yellow Dot/Itinerant]
464.5500 PL 67.0 - "You won't be able to get that" [licensed to ESPN as a 35w portable/itinerant repeater]
464.5500 DPL 627 - Similar traffic to 464.5000 [DPL 627]
464.5750 DMR
464.6000 DPL 631 "44 or 95" callsigns "Cleanup 3" "Tower" heard (repeater)
464.6375 DPL 223 - "you're clear" "vector 23" "probably about 37 minutes to go"
464.6375 DPL 364 - "14 what did you say?" "34"
464.6500 CSQ - Paging [ESPN has portable repeaters licensed for this frequency]
464.7000 CSQ - Paging [ESPN has portable repeaters licensed for this frequency]
464.7375 PL 199.6 - "you're right next to the line now"
464.7750 DPL 423 - talking about guests, drivers [RIR Repeater WQRX291]
464.8250 DPL 047 - Possibly vendors (portables, weak)
464.8875 DMR
465.6625 CSQ - Data Bursts (maybe telemetry?) not as strong as other data bursts heard in UHF band
465.8625 PL 91.5 - "now you're at your!" "it's hard to tell I'm not completely sure"
465.9125 CSQ - Data Bursts (telemetry?)
466.0250 DPL 445 - "Maybe we were ahead of them" "10-4 they're down here they're still working on 'em"
466.2125 DPL 125 - "bottom lane inside corner" "half back" "clear low, one back" "half back"
466.2375 DPL 074 - "clear wide, clear wide"
466.2750 DPL 043 - "40 feet from the pit" "you're alright now"
466.5625 CSQ - Constant carrier, weak signal..unable to discern if there's background audio or not.
466.6625 PL 107.2 - "outside lane"
466.6875 DPL 226 - "right there, at your door" "38" "bottom of 3" "21 outside" - spotter-to-driver comms
466.9625 DPL 205 - "outside, windup..still there. come back up a bit, okay"
467.0625 DPL 023 - "the car in the bottom stayed out" "doin' great! let's go!" - spotter-to-driver comms
467.0625 PL 229.1 - "still there, stay there" "all clear, all clear" "great work!"
467.1125 DPL 624 - "17 outside clear low" "outside, inside now" "clear high"
467.2500 PL 94.8 - "tighter, tighter!" "on the inside now" (confirmed this is simplex)
467.3375 CSQ - Data bursts, sounds like telemetry
467.4375 DPL 243 - "check the inside lane, okay?"
467.4500 DPL 734 - "you're gonna be hot" "'re're still clear!"
467.4750 DPL 632 - "battery 2 is showing about 80 minutes...that should be enough" (simplex)
467.5875 CSQ - Family talking about meeting locations, etc (with Midland roger beep) [FRS 9]
467.6375 CSQ - Spectators, crowd noise in background (no roger beeps) [FRS 11]
467.6625 PL 67.0 - Crowd/race noise heard, no voice (with Motorola roger beeps) [FRS 12]
467.6875 PL 67.0 - "Mike did you copy that?" [FRS 13]
467.7125 PL 103.5 - FRS call tones [FRS 14]
467.7625 PL 192.8 - Talking about parking lots ["J" Dot/Itinerant]
467.8500 PL 203.5 - "What's your 20?" (portables) [Silver Star/Itinerant]
467.9250 PL 67.0 - "Iron Number 4" (portables) [Blue Star/Itinerant]
467.9250 DPL 023 - "Driver 1 to Driver 7"
468.2125 PL 218.1 - "in" "all the way out" "4500" "Junior rolling" [with DMR interference]
468.4500 DPL 723 - "What happened with the brakes?" "one back 43 watch your bumper"
468.5750 DPL 311 - "Clear by 1" "20 to go" "all clear, staying right with ya" "turnin' into the bottom"
468.9375 DPL 703 - "10-4" (seemed like another spotter/crew to driver comm freq)
469.0125 DPL 131 - "He's in the lap now" "A lot better with those tires" (portables, weak)
469.1375 DPL 074 - "An hour short of our window" "fuel is good, its fuel" possible spotter-to-driver comms
469.4625 DPL 023 - "two hours"
469.5000 DPL 331 - "Do you know where Eric went?"
469.5000 DPL 423 - Input to 464.5000 DPL 423 repeater, with ANI/DTMF bursts
469.5375 DPL 155 - "Good job" "I'll send her off" "going down the hill" (simplex)
469.5375 DPL 712 - "I've seen that in the movies before! Good job, drive away"
469.5500 DPL 627 - Input to 464.5500 DPL 627 repeater [likely a portable/itinerant repeater]
469.5875 DPL 134 - "inside" "clear" "43 half back" "clear" possible spotter-to-driver comms
469.9125 DPL 343 - "turn 4" "your right"
469.9625 PL 233.6 - "outside, outside and tight"

Some notes:

**The RIR repeater on 464.775 [DPL 423] suffered from interference from another active repeater on 464.775 [PL 229.1]

**The paging signals on 464.650 could have been race-related, however I have logged this frequency as being in use by VCU/MCV for parking garages (with both paging in CSQ and DPL-toned voice traffic). However, ESPN is licensed for portable repeaters on that frequency and several others that were logged today.

**The traffic on the various 450MHz STL/cue frequencies varied throughout the day. During the race itself, nearly all the frequencies seemed to be carrying the same voice traffic, usually with a bit of a delay. Others were simply a constant carrier or an open mic and background noise, conversations, etc could be heard at a low volume. Others carried music and PA announcements prior to the race.

**The FRS/GMRS frequencies were very busy. Most of the traffic sounded like tailgaters and kids playing around with radios. Lots of "call tones" being sent over and over again. Motorola and Midland roger beeps, other transmissions with no roger beeps. The MURS frequencies were active as well, with traffic similar to what was heard/logged during the UCI race back in September.
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Apr 22, 2005
Thanks for taking the time to post all of these. Be sure to check out 130.875 in the September race to hear some interesting helicopter traffic.


Dec 26, 2005
Thanks carolinatoughguy! I was amazed at the sheer number of frequencies in use over the weekend. I will put 130.875 in the rotation for the race in September.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
Some of the RWPS and RW talkgroups were patched to Henrico Co. talkgroups for interop; ie: RW 2 was patched with HFD Tac 13 to allow units responding from outside of the track the ability coordinate with RIR Communications when responding to calls on track property. In my experience working the race, none of our talkgroups were ever patched with STARS, but I can't speak on behalf of the LEO side of things. STARS patches could be a very real possibility given the large presence of VSP working in coordination with HPD.


Dec 26, 2005
Some of the RWPS and RW talkgroups were patched to Henrico Co. talkgroups for interop; ie: RW 2 was patched with HFD Tac 13 to allow units responding from outside of the track the ability coordinate with RIR Communications when responding to calls on track property. In my experience working the race, none of our talkgroups were ever patched with STARS, but I can't speak on behalf of the LEO side of things. STARS patches could be a very real possibility given the large presence of VSP working in coordination with HPD.

trainman111, thank you for the clarification regarding the patching of talkgroups. Makes since to me to have the regional interop talkgroups patched to HFD as you said. Patching to STARS would also make a lot of sense. I scanned the 700 MHz band and the VSP DVRS 700MHz vehicle repeater channels as well during the race and didn't hear anything. It's very possible that I was too far away from the track to hear low-power simplex traffic on 700/800 though.
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