TPD's Unsung Hero?

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Dec 2, 2003
1 T19N R13E
I have been a long time fan of one of Tulsa’s dispatchers. I have no idea what his name is. He works nights. All TPD divisions, FD and SO. He’s got a deep voice with no hint of an accent. Best of all, he’s kind of a smart aleck. My wife, who hates (that is to say “is jealous of”) my scanner even enjoys listening to this one particular dispatcher.

Far beyond being entertaining, he’s good. Very good. Just the other night, for example, an officer keyed up for just a second. There was nothing but the sound of yelling and wrestling. We’ve all heard this before. Most dispatchers will ask for location, or a 10-90 or “advise for traffic” or do nothing out of fear of walking on a following transmission. But this dispatcher immediately answered by calling out the officers’ last known location and then got right back off the air. Back-up immediately knew which direction to head. No other units clogging up the air asking for a location.

It was a simple thing. But I was impressed with his quick and clear thinking. I believe this dispatcher rounded up that shift by talking an elderly man with a shotgun into surrendering to police. I was falling asleep during that call, but I thought I heard him say he had convinced the old guy to disarm and leave the house.

Does anyone know who I’m talking about?


Feb 26, 2004
tulsa okla.
Your hearing the voice of the infamous Dave Lon.Not sure if thats how his last name is spelled.... He is also a tpd reserve. You will hear him in the hellicopter quite often as the observer. He is definatly a great dispatcher. Also another guy up there I dont know his name but he sounds simular to dave is a top notch dispatcher.


I'm just a listener
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2003
Broken Arrow
I too, enjoy his brand of dispatching. He takes away a lot of the stuffiness that you hear in others. The best dispatcher to listen to on the state side is a woman named Linda I think. When you hear her tones on different types of calls you can just hear the belief or disbelief in what she just heard. If a trooper says he's at I-244 and 41st just the way she says "TULSA" the trooper knows he's messed up. But I don't think you can beat Dave's rendering "He's the unlucky holder of a Flagged drivers license." I have been hearing a lot of him in the evenings lately.


Feb 26, 2004
tulsa okla.
Yea heres some more of daves lines

"do i have a car to "consider" backing frank 104?"
after dispatching a call and no one came on to back.

also heard him say "last time i checked you all wear the same uniforms that say tpd on them"
that was when he had a crybaby officer who had to come out of his beat to back a car.

he doesnt put up with crap from any of these officers.
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