I pulled a repeater setup from e-cycling recently. It included a Motorola repeater interface (with keypad dangling by a couple wires) and two GM300 units. These are UHF. I managed to get a copy of the Motorola software and, having done programming for my Bearcat scanner, TK-7180, and a couple of GMRS radios, I found my way around.
I knew to change the mode over from REPEATER and managed to program in some local public safety frequencies for scanning. Also changed signaling to MDC-1200 in case that helped me out, and set squelch to Carrier.
These have blanking plugs, no mic handsets. (I am using them for scanning only, like my TK-7180 for AAR frequencies.) My problem is this: I get no audio from the internal speaker (beeps, monitor squelch, zip) unless I connect the repeater interface to the back of the radio. Then it beeps like it should. I have yet to hear any Rx so I don't know for sure if I can get them, but I assume if I can hear static when I press MONITOR that I'm good to go.
I'm sure there is a setting in the software I can change to get that speaker working sans repeater interface. Right? And should I change any other settings to help my cause of recycling an old GM300 into a simple scanner?
Edit: my area of expertise is data science, conventional IT, and networking. Radio is a new area for me. Consider me a n00b.
I knew to change the mode over from REPEATER and managed to program in some local public safety frequencies for scanning. Also changed signaling to MDC-1200 in case that helped me out, and set squelch to Carrier.
These have blanking plugs, no mic handsets. (I am using them for scanning only, like my TK-7180 for AAR frequencies.) My problem is this: I get no audio from the internal speaker (beeps, monitor squelch, zip) unless I connect the repeater interface to the back of the radio. Then it beeps like it should. I have yet to hear any Rx so I don't know for sure if I can get them, but I assume if I can hear static when I press MONITOR that I'm good to go.
I'm sure there is a setting in the software I can change to get that speaker working sans repeater interface. Right? And should I change any other settings to help my cause of recycling an old GM300 into a simple scanner?
Edit: my area of expertise is data science, conventional IT, and networking. Radio is a new area for me. Consider me a n00b.