trunk-recorder - Bell Fleetnet

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Feed Provider
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
Hi All,

I am trying to get this robotastic/trunk-recorder working with Pembroke (PEMBRK) Site Details (Bell FleetNet - Ontario Provincial Government Zone 2) and I was wondering if this is the proper config.

"sources": [{
"center": 142192500.0,
"rate": 8000000.0,
"squelch": -50,
"error": 0,
"gain": 40,
"antenna": "TX/RX",
"digitalRecorders": 4,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": ""
"systems": [{
"control_channels": [142380000],
"type": "smartnet",
"talkgroupsFile": "ChanList.csv",
"unitTagsFile": "UnitTags.csv",
"recordUnknown": true,
"shortName": "ChangeMe",
"callLog": true,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"hideUnknownTalkgroups": false,
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 154320000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000.0

"defaultMode": "digital",
"captureDir": "/mnt/recordings",
"callTimeout": "3",
"logFile": "1",
"frequencyFormat": "mhz"

Feed Provider
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
This is what I get when I run it.

[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776553] (info)

System Number: 1
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776590] (info) Short Name: ChangeMe
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776615] (info) System Type: smartnet
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776643] (info) Control Channels:
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776738] (info) 1.4238e+08
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776832] (info) API Key:
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776864] (info) Upload Script:
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776941] (info) Call Log: true
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776974] (info) Audio Archive: true
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.776998] (info) Loading Talkgroups...
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777068] (info) Read 0 talkgroups.
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777108] (info) Talkgroups File: ChanList.csv
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777159] (info) Loading Unit Tags...
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777204] (info) Read 0 unit tags.
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777240] (info) Unit Tags File: UnitTags.csv
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777270] (info) Record Unknown Talkgroups: true
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777299] (info) Decode MDC: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777321] (info) Decode FSync: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777350] (info) Decode Star: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777391] (info) Decode TPS: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777427] (info) Talkgroup Display Format: Id
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777478] (info) Smartnet bandplan: 400_custom
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777505] (info) Smartnet band: 400
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777539] (info) Smartnet bandplan base freq: 141.015
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777576] (info) Smartnet bandplan high freq: 154.32
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777627] (info) Smartnet bandplan spacing: 0.025
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777659] (info) Smartnet bandplan offset: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777692] (info) Hide Encrypted Talkgroups: true
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777722] (info) Hide Unknown Talkgroups: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777750] (info) Minimum Call Duration (in seconds): 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777778] (info)
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777870] (info)


[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777956] (info) Driver: osmosdr
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777985] (info) Center: 1.421925e+08
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778053] (info) Rate: 8000000
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778113] (info) Error: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778152] (info) PPM Error: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778190] (info) Gain: 40
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778299] (info) IF Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778335] (info) BB Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778368] (info) LNA Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778401] (info) PGA Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778428] (info) TIA Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778459] (info) MIX Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778486] (info) VGA1 Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778518] (info) VGA2 Gain: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778545] (info) Squelch: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778600] (info) Idle Silence: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778633] (info) Digital Recorders: 4
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778670] (info) Debug Recorder: false
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778699] (info) SigMF Recorders: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778728] (info) Analog Recorders: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778762] (info) Modulation: qpsk
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778795] (info) Source Device: rtl=0
gr-osmosdr 0.1.4 (0.1.4) gnuradio 3.7.11
built-in source types: file osmosdr fcd rtl rtl_tcp uhd miri hackrf bladerf rfspace airspy airspyhf soapy redpitaya freesrp
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 200200
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.406102] (info) SOURCE TYPE OSMOSDR (osmosdr)
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.406221] (info) Setting sample rate to: 8000000
Invalid sample rate: 8000000 Hz
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.406345] (info) Actual sample rate: 1024000
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.406393] (info) Tunning to 1.421925e+08
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.458408] (info) Gain Stage: LNA supported values: 0 0.9 1.4 2.7 3.7 7.7 8.7 12.5 14.4 15.7 16.6 19.7 20.7 22.9 25.4 28 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48 49.6
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.458503] (info) Max Freqency: 1.461605e+08
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.458569] (info) Min Freqency: 1.382245e+08
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.484648] (info) Gain set to: 40.2
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.484798] (info) Setting antenna to [RX]
Decim: 80 Decim2: 4
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.485925] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 8000000
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.524128] (info) P25 Recorder ARB - Initial Rate: 8000000 Resampled Rate: 25000 Initial Decimation: 80 System Rate: 24000 ARB Rate: 0.96
Project 25 IMBE Encoder/Decoder Fixed-Point implementation
Developed by Pavel Yazev E-mail:
Version 1.0 (c) Copyright 2009
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file ``LICENSE'' for details.
Decim: 80 Decim2: 4
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.527304] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 8000000
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.601420] (info) P25 Recorder ARB - Initial Rate: 8000000 Resampled Rate: 25000 Initial Decimation: 80 System Rate: 24000 ARB Rate: 0.96
Decim: 80 Decim2: 4
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.604068] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 8000000
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.647054] (info) P25 Recorder ARB - Initial Rate: 8000000 Resampled Rate: 25000 Initial Decimation: 80 System Rate: 24000 ARB Rate: 0.96
Decim: 80 Decim2: 4
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.649670] (info) P25 Recorder two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 8000000
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.689122] (info) P25 Recorder ARB - Initial Rate: 8000000 Resampled Rate: 25000 Initial Decimation: 80 System Rate: 24000 ARB Rate: 0.96
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691268] (info)

[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691363] (info)


[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691456] (info) Capture Directory: /mnt/recordings
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691489] (info) Upload Server:
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691525] (info) Status Server:
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691556] (info) Instance Key:
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691580] (info) Instance Id:
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691602] (info) Default Mode: digital
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691638] (info) Call Timeout (seconds): 3
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691670] (info) Log to File: true
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691701] (info) Control channel warning rate: 10
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691726] (info) Control channel retune limit: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691825] (info) Frequency format: 1
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691849] (info) Status as String: true
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.691878] (info) Log Level: info
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.692260] (info) [ChangeMe] Started with Control Channel: 142.380005
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.693042] (info) SmartNet Trunking - SysNum: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.693171] (info) Control channel: 142.380005
Decim: 80 Decim2: 4
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.693753] (info) smartnet Trunking two-stage decimator - Initial decimated rate: 100000 Second decimated rate: 25000 FA: 6250 FB: 12500 System Rate: 8000000
[2020-02-23 18:32:49.730322] (info) smartnet Trunking ARB - Initial Rate: 8000000 Resampled Rate: 25000 Initial Decimation: 80 System Rate: 18000 ARB Rate: 0.72
[2020-02-23 18:32:52.013561] (info) Pll Phase: -0.814608 min Freq: -0.000001 Max Freq: 0.000001
[2020-02-23 18:32:52.014023] (error) [ChangeMe] There is only one control channel defined
[2020-02-23 18:32:52.014093] (error) [ChangeMe] Control Channel Message Decode Rate: 0/sec, count: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:55.007279] (info) Pll Phase: -1.87503 min Freq: -0.000001 Max Freq: 0.000001
[2020-02-23 18:32:55.008034] (error) [ChangeMe] There is only one control channel defined
[2020-02-23 18:32:55.008822] (error) [ChangeMe] Control Channel Message Decode Rate: 0/sec, count: 0
[2020-02-23 18:32:58.011875] (info) Pll Phase: -3.04824 min Freq: -0.000001 Max Freq: 0.000001
[2020-02-23 18:32:58.012506] (error) [ChangeMe] There is only one control channel defined
[2020-02-23 18:32:58.012623] (error) [ChangeMe] Control Channel Message Decode Rate: 0/sec, count: 0


Feb 12, 2015
In my limited understanding, and I'm entirely open to being completely wrong...

The fleetnet system uses a custom band plan with three different parameters and at this time, trunk-recorder cannot handle that? (See the parent fleetnet page from the link you posted)

My understanding is you maybe able to find a control channel but when it tells the software what frequency to find the voice conversation, it'll be out of step because it's not understanding the band plan correctly.

As for how to resolve it, I would suggest that some more coding in trunk-recorder would be necessary to recognize custom band plans?


Premium Subscriber
Oct 28, 2017
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777956] (info) Driver: osmosdr
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.777985] (info) Center: 1.421925e+08
[2020-02-23 18:32:48.778053] (info) Rate: 8000000

8 msps? Is this a HackRF?

webstar22 said:
Using device #0 Realtek RTL2838UHIDIR SN: 200200
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
[R82XX] PLL not locked!
Your Realtek won't do 8 msps.


Jun 23, 2015
Durham Region
I cobbled together this to do Bell Fleetnet Zone 1 site

It uses 2 dongles but it might work with 1 if you trim it down to one source - it is probably not the best way since like I said I am a cobbler not an expert with trunk-recorder but it does work on the digital/analog system. Use your own freqs of course. There is a center frequency calculator for T-R somewhere on the google :) As you can see this sits on the individual channels so do not include the CC in the channels being monitored.

This is not trunk following but it does record individual VC properly. I have a different script for proper trunk following off the CC but it uses 3 dongles.

"sources": [

"center": 142220000,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 37,
"squelch": -40,
"idleSilence": 5,
"digitalRecorders": 3,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 3,
"analogLevels": 32,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
}, {
"center": 142220000,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 37,
"squelch": -40,
"idleSilence": 5,
"digitalRecorders": 3,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 3,
"analogLevels": 32,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=1"
"systems": [{

"channels": [141390000, 142050000, 142290000, 142335000, 142425000, 142830000 ],
"type": "conventionalP25",
"hideEncrypted": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "ems.csv",
"shortName": "EMS",
"callLog": false,
"defaultMode": "digital"

"captureDir": "$Capture_Directory",


I also have a 3 dongle setup for "proper" trunking off the control channel which works nicely on these systems.
Last edited:


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
There is a center frequency calculator for T-R somewhere on the google :)

@webstar22 this might be the calculator that DRL-XM43 is referencing:

- list only trunked frequencies associated with the site
- list them in ascending order
- set the same rate (2.154 is 2154000 in the config.json, 2.4 is 2400000 in the config.json)


Feed Provider
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I cobbled together this to do Bell Fleetnet Zone 1 site

It uses 2 dongles but it might work with 1 if you trim it down to one source - it is probably not the best way since like I said I am a cobbler not an expert with trunk-recorder but it does work on the digital/analog system. Use your own freqs of course. There is a center frequency calculator for T-R somewhere on the google :) As you can see this sits on the individual channels so do not include the CC in the channels being monitored.

This is not trunk following but it does record individual VC properly. I have a different script for proper trunk following off the CC but it uses 3 dongles.

"sources": [

"center": 142220000,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 37,
"squelch": -40,
"idleSilence": 5,
"digitalRecorders": 3,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 3,
"analogLevels": 32,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
}, {
"center": 142220000,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 37,
"squelch": -40,
"idleSilence": 5,
"digitalRecorders": 3,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 3,
"analogLevels": 32,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=1"
"systems": [{

"channels": [141390000, 142050000, 142290000, 142335000, 142425000, 142830000 ],
"type": "conventionalP25",
"hideEncrypted": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "ems.csv",
"shortName": "EMS",
"callLog": false,
"defaultMode": "digital"

"captureDir": "$Capture_Directory",


I also have a 3 dongle setup for "proper" trunking off the control channel which works nicely on these systems.
This may help me thanks,.

Feed Provider
Dec 21, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I cobbled together this to do Bell Fleetnet Zone 1 site

It uses 2 dongles but it might work with 1 if you trim it down to one source - it is probably not the best way since like I said I am a cobbler not an expert with trunk-recorder but it does work on the digital/analog system. Use your own freqs of course. There is a center frequency calculator for T-R somewhere on the google :) As you can see this sits on the individual channels so do not include the CC in the channels being monitored.

This is not trunk following but it does record individual VC properly. I have a different script for proper trunk following off the CC but it uses 3 dongles.

"sources": [

"center": 142220000,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 37,
"squelch": -40,
"idleSilence": 5,
"digitalRecorders": 3,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 3,
"analogLevels": 32,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=0"
}, {
"center": 142220000,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 37,
"squelch": -40,
"idleSilence": 5,
"digitalRecorders": 3,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 3,
"analogLevels": 32,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=1"
"systems": [{

"channels": [141390000, 142050000, 142290000, 142335000, 142425000, 142830000 ],
"type": "conventionalP25",
"hideEncrypted": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "ems.csv",
"shortName": "EMS",
"callLog": false,
"defaultMode": "digital"

"captureDir": "$Capture_Directory",


I also have a 3 dongle setup for "proper" trunking off the control channel which works nicely on these systems.
You have a proper CC following for Fleetnet. I'd like to see that if I can .


Jun 23, 2015
Durham Region
You have a proper CC following for Fleetnet. I'd like to see that if I can .

I have 3 dongles in this one I clipped 2 of them out but the rest of it works for me. In control channels you put the primary (red) and the alternate(s) (blue) other than that you should be able to make it work for you.

"center": 142267500,
"rate": 2048000.0,
"error": 0,
"gain": 30,
"squelch": -52,
"digitalRecorders": 4,
"modulation": "fsk4",
"analogRecorders": 4,
"driver": "osmosdr",
"device": "rtl=2"
"systems": [
"control_channels": [143145000, 142830000],
"type": "smartnet",
"bandplan": "400_custom",
"bandplanBase": 141015000.0,
"bandplanHigh": 143145000.0,
"bandplanSpacing": 15000,
"bandplanOffset": 380,
"hideEncrypted": true,
"talkgroupsFile": "ems.csv",
"talkgroupDisplayFormat": "tag_id",
"shortName": "EMS",
"audioArchive": false

"frequencyFormat": "mhz",
"hideEncrypted": true,
"callTimeout": 5,
"logFile": false,
"captureDir": "$Capture_Directory"

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