LarrySC said:
Well, hold on a sec....
According to the Trunker doc's, the R7100 can be commanded via trunker to switch voice channels. Rick Parrish is set to release a 9600 baud decoder that is alot like trunker (perhaps BASED on the Trunker source code?). I assume that it too could control this radio.... anyone care to comment on that?
AND, I believe the R7100 has a 10.7 IF output jack that will work with AOR's P25 decoder, right?
If so then you could put them together meaning that yes, I think you
can monitor a P25 system on it! I could be wrong though. Someone close to the project can hopefully clarify this for us.
Oh and one more thing about the upcoming trunker app - while our BC796's and PRO-96's will balk at the upcoming 700MHz band, this R7100 set up could just keep right on going - kinda like the Energizer bunny. Just point it at the new control channel, say the magic word and presto!