Since many of the folks looking for Palmentto 800 information are from out-of-state, and might have no knowledge of S.C. geography, it might help to include the county name (maybe in parentheses) with the site name for statewide and regional system sites listed in the "all trunked systems" page.
Also, if the "statewide" pages for systems like Palmetto 800, Bell and Duke Energy will be eliminated, some folks are going to have problems with using the RR db to find local listening sites.
For instance, I know that the best site to listen to the Palmetto 800 system in my part of Lancaster County is NOT the Lancaster site, but the site in York County. Someone unfamiliar with the county, such as a resident or tourist, may not know. Will the Palnet site map be kept, and linked to each county Palnet link ?
And, for visitors to the state, would someone conclude there is no Palmetto 800 coverage in a county if there is not site listed for that county ? They would have know enough about the names and georgraphy of the surrounding counties to know which other counties to look for a suitable site.
Seems to me there is a place for both types of information in the database.
Along the same lines - putting system information under the "county" db - would it not be appropriate to to place the statewide conventional information under the appropriate county ?
Evan, Brian ... if we all ever get together at a hamfest or other event, I'm going to have to buy you guys lunch ! Thanks for your work, but don't go over 40 hours this week ... we can't afford to pay you guys overtime.
Jeff Multer