Just an FYI.....
I had to have Hamstation replace a TRX-1, (one of the perks of buying from Hamstation).
It was because I got a TRX-1 that had a completely bad period key.
It didn't "snap" at all.
In fact, it would mostly stick in a depressed state, causing the TRX-1 to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Basically locking up the device, unless I got something and pulled up on the key, pulling the carbon button off of the contacts.
I even disassembled the unit and confirmed that it wasn't binding on the faceplate, etc.
There was no "snap' even when it was just the silicone keypad and pressing the period.
All other keys worked perfectly.
There definitely have been bad keypads making their way past Whistler's QC.
At least on lower serial no ones.