TRX-2: TRX-2 not receiving


Premium Subscriber
Nov 21, 2017
Milw., WI
A month ago or so my TRX-2 stop receiving, but it was still scanning. Weather channel was ok. Reprogramed a different V scanner folder that was 2years old, but that did not work either. I had my Whistler 1040 on, 10 feet from the TRX-2 and that was receiving OK but nothing on TRX-2 Manual programed 6 business channels near me and I could receive them when the TRX-2 is scanning. Uninstall software and then reload software. Using a new SD ScanDisk card I loaded the library and changed tags and channel to I wanted. The scanner is receiving ok now but the programed LED indicator does not work at all. Any suggestion on how to get the LED on the remote head to work?

CPU 5.0, DSP Firmware 3.2, Library Data base 891


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
If you go into the scanners menu and select browse object and select any of what you have and then hit the menu button you are in the edit mode and can scroll down to LED and select that to be on and then scroll to RGB and select and the LED on the head will light up if there's nothing wrong with the scanner.

But if that works then it's probably a program corruption. Reformat the SD card and do not load any old programming, start from scratch directly on the scanner and enter a couple of channels that you know are often active and enable LED alert on them. You can even adjust down the squelch so it opens and that should turn on the LED.



Premium Subscriber
Nov 21, 2017
Milw., WI
I did program the led for different colors when i load the V scanner folder that did not work. I used an exterenal drive for my windows 10 computer and start over again. I hand programed the Freq's and tag names with led colors, then loaded to the sd card. Every now works like it did before, scanning ,receiving with the led colors assocated with the tags. The systems are the same for the last 5 years. Thanks to all that gave me suggestions.