Tucson scanning issues

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Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2009
Tucson az
So I have had my pro-106 scanner for about 2 years and never been able to listen to Pima County SO or Marana PD. My biggest issue is, can I listen to these departments? Most of the research I've done says no (which explains why I cant get it to work on my scanner) however other posts say I can. I cant tell if the post that say no are out of date, or the people that say yes are smoking crack. please help me, I don't know a lot about scanning but I'm trying to learn. Thanks for your input


Aug 17, 2003
Peoria, AZ.
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (BREW; Opera Mini/6.0.3/27.2354; U; en) Presto/2.8.119 320X240 LG VN530)

Marana PD to my knowledge is encrypted, so no, you cannot listen to them.
Pima County's current radio system can be monitored, but it requires not only a scanner, but a computer and a software program called LTRunker, IIRC.
Pima County is currently transitioning to a new radio system, called PCWIN. There's a thread or two here in the Arizona forum about it. I believe it's a P25 Phase II system, so you'll need to upgrade to a GRE PSR-800, which you may be able to find used, or one of the 2 newest Uniden scanners, the BCD-436HP handheld or the BCD-536HP base/mobile.
Whistler is supposed to be coming out with a re-badged version of the PSR-800, as well as their version of the PSR-900, which never made it to the public before GRE went out of business. Both of these scanners were/will be Phase II capable.(Whistler bought the rights to the GRE line, as well as the Radio Shack equivalents.)
If any of my information is outdated, or simply wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me :)
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AZ DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
SE of Tucson, AZ
Here is an update for you:

Marana PD TRS is monitorable with a PRO-106. However, Channels 1 and 2 are full time encrypted. Channel 3 is partial encryption. The remaining channels are usually heard in the clear when there is an event up in the Marana area, i.e. Professional Golf Tournament, etc. You won't hear normal patrol traffic.

Pima County Sheriff is officially using the PCWIN system. This will reguire the radios mentioned earlier to hear them (PSR-800, Uniden x36 variants).

Forget about the EFJohnson work around. It is history :)


AZ DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
SE of Tucson, AZ
Another thing, you really should try to make one of the SEARM Scanner Club meetings. We have a wealth of experience listening and use a multitude of radio scanners and I am pretty sure we can help you or help you find the answer to most Tucson related questions :)

3rd Saturday of the month, 6-8pm, Village Inn on Speedway.

Come hungry as we talk and eat. We also have access to power if you want to demonstrate something to the group :)

Very informal, but very informative :)


Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2009
Tucson az
I will definitely try to make it to a meeting. My only issue is normally asleep at that time since I go to work around 11. quick question for you do you happen to know alot about the pro-106 scanners? because my scanner will turn on when its plugged in but it wont scan. If I run on batteries its all good. any ideas how to fix this.


AZ DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 19, 2002
SE of Tucson, AZ
I will definitely try to make it to a meeting. My only issue is normally asleep at that time since I go to work around 11. quick question for you do you happen to know alot about the pro-106 scanners? because my scanner will turn on when its plugged in but it wont scan. If I run on batteries its all good. any ideas how to fix this.

I do have the 106. I haven't run across this problem before. Send me a PM with your phone number and we can see about meeting up. I own a shop here in Tucson and have that radio there.
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