It's funny Wi-Fi performs better than digital TV.
Seriously, lose a tiny bit if signal on OTA TV and it's garbage pixel crap. Meanwhile, I can use spread spectrum in Wi-Fi (that's what it is) and stream my rear end off watching copious amounts of great programming all the while surf the Internet...
Bottom line is the whole OTA TV thing is a MASSIVE engineering joke and it seems like it's getting worse!
Speaking of low IQ and engineering disasters , I accidentally just hit the forward button in this FireFreak browser making all of my typed text go away. Me being the forward thinking, intuitive person I am installed a text logger extension that saves my typed text. So all is well. But it raises a question upon two points:
1) Why is common sense out the window with things in this day and age? I often ask simple things like, "why did you code it like that?! You took your ten little fingers and coded it like that!" Or, "why are you going 45 in a 35 MPH designated road thought up by traffic engineers?" You know, the little Neanderthal low IQ chimps that people often inmate and the things they do. Never mind the social media pant-hoot.
2) Why in hell do browser's today that constantly get updated like every week it seems (for what, I don't know. What exactly are they improving that requires constant updates?) not have a built-in feature with a boolean option to log your text for such a disaster?
To tie my rant together with the subject matter is that I think how the FCC does things, and how digital TV is and has been rolled out, not withstanding APCO and P25 is kinda, well stupid. In my opinion of course. Then again, I'm not some RF engineering genius or anything like that either. I just know that spread spectrum technology (invented by a woman during WWII) is a good sound solution when it comes to interference resolution, jamming mitigation and perhaps multipath signal mitigation. And no, it's not super expensive with today's Moore's law of miniaturization and IC improvements over the years. We're down to what now? Some 8 nm at the transistor level just in a computer CPU? Look how everyone has a Dick Tracy watch now-a-days... Especially since that technology can be packed into a Motorola DTR radio or Nextel i355 phone of the not so distant past for Direct Connect of which I have over 15 of those phones for SHTF Comms. Never mind the advent of SDR technology. The DTR and i355 both use spread spectrum.
No, in my opinion digital TV should be spread spectrum because as it stands right now you either get the signal full on or you don't. There's no wiggle room that I believe DSSS or FHSS could offer. Again, look at Wi-Fi's spread spectrum scheme as an example. Now imagine sending that kind of spread spectrum out at broadcast TV wattage. The bandwidth for 802.11g is 20 MHz. And it performs better than digital TV it seems. Then again people do have issues and that's a whole other animal never mind the 100 mW or so of wattage and consumer grade junk they're using. I use a commercial grade AP (Access Point) in the house made by Grandstream (has a built-in controller). So there's the major difference in case anyone wants to make a point about dismal home Wi-Fi. The point is that it seems like Wi-Fi technology can stream and do more better than digital TV. Again, in my own opinion. And the point is that Wi-Fi helps accomplish that though spread spectrum.
Anyway, time to squeeze a squad for more ink...