follow on from my last post ,Due to the experts on "youtube" telling my 13 yr old that "games can only be played on 144hz monitors" we replaced his 1 yr old gaming monitors for two new 144hz jobs so i have the old pair in my puter room its been great for radio as the second monitor is off to my rhs that is running SDR#
from a spyserver in loft and main screen changes dependant on what bit of the spectrum i am looking at
have enclosed screen shot of my latest bit of software by TEKMANOID i was using skytaleC for a while but not to impressed ( ok for free though ) but std-C decoder
by TEKMANOID is rock solid i tend to boot up my system and once my airspy is stable minamise std-C decoder on my main screen and go and play arma 3 or sometimes do work stuff but SDR# allways on to watch signals then jump back to std-c and read off a load of messages as its that stable never miss anything got it in december cannot fault it at all ,,auther of it even took time to email me before selling it to me to ensure my system/pc would have enough grunt to run his software ...one thing i have learnt do not be a fisherman anywere in the indian ocean you will not live to be old (most mayday relays from that regon) all my L band time is on alp
follow on from my last post ,Due to the experts on "youtube" telling my 13 yr old that "games can only be played on 144hz monitors" we replaced his 1 yr old gaming monitors for two new 144hz jobs so i have the old pair in my puter room its been great for radio as the second monitor is off to my rhs that is running SDR#
from a spyserver in loft and main screen changes dependant on what bit of the spectrum i am looking at
have enclosed screen shot of my latest bit of software by TEKMANOID i was using skytaleC for a while but not to impressed ( ok for free though ) but std-C decoder
by TEKMANOID is rock solid i tend to boot up my system and once my airspy is stable minamise std-C decoder on my main screen and go and play arma 3 or sometimes do work stuff but SDR# allways on to watch signals then jump back to std-c and read off a load of messages as its that stable never miss anything got it in december cannot fault it at all ,,auther of it even took time to email me before selling it to me to ensure my system/pc would have enough grunt to run his software ...one thing i have learnt do not be a fisherman anywere in the indian ocean you will not live to be old (most mayday relays from that regon) all my L band time is on alp