I am seeing a neighbor of the Fort Bend Simulcast coming up, 1.15 on 772.84375. License search shows Wallis or Cat Springs as the possible sites. Anyone closer than Carrizo Springs to confirm? (skip is pretty heavy this morning lol)
Neighbor: BEE00.1A7-1.4 ; Glidden
Neighbor: BEE00.1A7-1.16 ; Pierce
Neighbor: BEE00.1A7-1.19 ; San Felipe
Neighbor: BEE00.1A7-1.34 ; Clodine
Neighbor: BEE00.1A7-1.53 ; Fort Bend Co Sim
Got her loud and clear from inside a metal roofed man camp room in Carrizo Springs. Skip from up the coast is uncanny the last few nights. I've picked up Lake Charles as well