Understanding UniTrunker Decoder Logs

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Sep 4, 2013
I am trying to figure out SmartNet control channel messages. To do this I have been looking at the decoder logs from UniTrunker. I am confused though. Does Unitrunker put all of the control channel messages in the log?

I am confused on the messages that make up a Grant. I thought the Grant sequence had to start with a 0x308, 0x320, or 0x321 command, followed by a message with the source and then finally a message with the talkgroup and frequency.

Unitrunker seems to be pulling Grants out of very different sequences:

8209 G 12A
2AA6 G 30B Net ID=8209, DChan=2A6 0.0000
5F5E I 12D
87D0 G 2A9 Channel Grant Astro 2A9 I 5F5E -> G 87D0
82A1 I 049
88B0 G 1C5 Channel Grant Astro 1C5 I 82A1 -> G 88B0
5F5E I 12D
87D0 G 2A9 Channel Grant Astro 2A9 I 5F5E -> G 87D0
4B40 G 3C0 System Status [2] = 0B40
5F5E I 12D
87D0 G 2A9 Channel Grant Astro 2A9 I 5F5E -> G 87D0
0000 G 360 Site 1
5F5E I 12D
87D0 G 2A9 Channel Grant Astro 2A9 I 5F5E -> G 87D0

Is it simply that a 0x3-- message can put it into a mode where Grant sequences can start and any number of Grants can be stacked together?

Any pointers on the different possible SmartNet message sequence that could make up a Grant?


Feb 24, 2001
Hi Luke;

lukekb said:
Does Unitrunker put all of the control channel messages in the log?

Motorola trunking is really three different dialects.

1. Type 1.
2. Type 2 with fixed repeater input offset.
3. Type 2 with "explicit" channel addressing for repeater inputs (big hint here).

Understand that "SmartNet" is really just a marketing term. It once defined a specific feature set but has morphed over the years to have little meaning today. Most island systems run SmartZone controller software with the extra "zone" features turned off.
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