The reason you are losing transmissions is because your pager is on Site 22 Monmouth. You can see by the picture its (22) service volume is not Tom’s River(56).
The 56 site that covers TR is located on Rt. 37 a few miles west of the GSP.
The entire NJICS was recently reconfigured. Quite a few of the site numbers were changed. The database and service volume of each site is up to date and is very accurate. The DB admin(s) take great pride in this. It can be viewed here.
New Jersey Interoperability Communications System (NJICS) Trunking System, Statewide, Multi-State
G5 Site programming is CRITICAL. We do not know if you scan multiple sites on one knob position. Your radio COULD be scanning 22,55,56. It COULD lock onto 22 when
56 is closest. I prefer mostly SINGLE site set up only.
A a minimum you need Site 56 only. Ideally you would have a Zone(s) labeled and configured something like this. Look through your Zones and Knobs, maybe you have it.
Zone. Knob1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8
So. Simulcast 56 Wild 55 Wild 22Wild and so on for every South site
Ocean/Burl. GSP C. GSP S. GSP N. GSP All. and so on
Bordentown. GSP C. GSP S. GSP N. GSP All and so on
And so on
My .02. Learn to program and understand the function and logic of both the G5 and systems such as the NJICS. Then you will understand how to program your G5 exactly how you want it. You will also be able to keep it up to date when system changes occur.
I currently use 12 Zones with each Knob (8) position assigned. While not perfect the G5 is very very good given as it is NAS. Search is your friend. Good luck.