Hello. I recently bought my first scanner, the 536HP as listed in the title. I have it programmed to what I want to listen to but mostly want to listen to it on my phone. I downloaded the 2 guides made by RR user - NYRHKY94, which walk you step by step for streaming over RSOIP and the 2nd one for streaming over a web server. The problem I encountered was at the very end where it says that you need to enable port forwarding in order to finish it, however I have a gen 1 starlink system and apparently port forwarding is not an option. My question is, what would be the easiest way around this? Would I be able to purchase a different router that has port forwarding and replace the starlink router or is only the starlink router able to work with the starlink system? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I am in no way what you would describe tech savvy. So if this is not an option or if you know of a different way around my problem, please explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old. Thank you in advance for any help