Unidentified digital signals

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Nov 9, 2002
Prince George, Virginia--Central Va.
Yesterday and part of today I am hearing possible minor ducting data control channel signals on high vhf at my Prince George, Va., location in central Va. At first I thought they were some new Va. STARS APCO25 control channels as the audio pulsing sound is similar but also noticeably somewhat different when listened to closely. My internet searching disclosed 159.3075 mhz. as previously being heard and it may be originating from middle or southern Md. Using my GRE PSR600 I attempted to decode them in the TUNE mode. Here is what I heard and 154.6100 mhz. is the strongest signal..no audio decode and id as a P25 signal:

Occasionally quick text displays are:

"VC 1stTGID= nnnnn"

152.1425 = TG 11248 as first talkgroup
152.8025 = TG 11248
154.6100 = TG 11248, 18448, 22292, 44528
159.3075 = TG 18448, 22292

All day I have been listening to 168.075 mhz., NAC 516. The comms are technicians testing data transfer circuits and related activities, i.e., signal strength readings, etc. Since I am hearing 154.6100 mhz. this also may be a Md. signal as my database shows I previously have logged it.

Does anyone have any idea who the users are?
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