10324 is Wayzata Public Works
11614 is Ramsey Co Court Security Main
11616 is Ramsey Co Court Security @ LEC
11624 is Ramsey Co Court Security @ Human Services Center
24074 is a Mn/DOT Talkgroup that is just a VHF simulcast right now. I have never seen a Radio ID associated with it that is not VHF Patch
25305 and 25360 are Wright Co, but i cant share the identity of them right now per my sources request, but they should be easy once people start to figure out the pattern of the Wright co TG's... I guarantee you all that their talkgroup plan makes sense...
25368 is a law enforcement TG which i havent identified as it seems to be 100% ENC, but i have seen only Buffalo Police Radios being used on it, so i suspect it may be a Buffalo Police Car to Car or something like that... 25367 is the same way, but with different users...